hi folks. legal grower from mi. trying to push the envelop


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to read the newbie posts .. :p..

My name is chris.. I have my legal allowance of 60 girls and I am a geeked out nerd at my core so I want to get davinci with my growing... right now I am working an auto (onyx), in with some regs to set up a 3-4 a month plant rotation... Now .. hehehehe :).. has anyone ..?

a: done a 1 year veg...? I went 6 months and even my indica's are to tall (this includes atleast 7 tops).. to even push this a little more.. has anyone vegged a year with aero fog...?

b: next summer I will be building specificlly for the 1 year veg capability.. also will be hooking the building to a 20,000 KWH turbine so I am energy ..free..

I have read a majority of what I know of george books... I have nutes I like for both fog and a specific soil I put together myself.. PH all that fun stuff.. including bot specified zygotes, enzymes etc for maximum organic capibailites down to the complementary fungus.. . .

Ok to give you guys an idea of what I am planning is a obvious veg in mylar ac .. blah blah probably co2.. I know it isn't that big but I use it so far and like what I see..

lights on veg I haven't thought about as much open to suggestion
but after 5 months I want to start doing light iso using 1 -3 250-400w mh

nursery and sex rooms.. I am very new I don't know enough


Lights I know I plan on either a 600w ceiling iso per plant.. also again atleast 2 side lights I am hoping to some how rotate to save bottom buds if it is possible indoor..

I plan on getting proper balance of my light colors blue red and yellow.. also uv b,c for my thc production and bacteria minimalisation

so anything you would think I consider or critique whatever would just like input from some like minded people who probably know waaaay more then I do ...

I just wanted to run this by some people who have been in this longer then I have... I can read ever book and it's a blink next to experience.. so I thought I would just ask if you guys had the chance to make your playground like this what would you do? (incase I sound like a jack ass .. sorry I'm excited about it all.. :) ... also I am planning to invest most of the sales into a non kill animal rescue complex.. as we'll as begining a design of alternative energy and irrigation for over 200 saltwater crops .. intended to start being used to help willing coastal cities internationally just so you know.. the thoughts behind the madness as it were :p.. and again thanks for the time folks happy tokes hehehehehe
Re: :p.. hi folks.. legal grower from mi.. trying to push the envelop

You got yourself some ambition I'll say that much!

As for getting advice and critique... your questions would get more exposure and answers in here:
Cabinet, Closet, & Grow Room Setup - 420 Magazine

Other than that... Welcome to the 420 Mag family... it's great to have you w/us. :welcome:
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Here are some other links that may be helpful:
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How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine

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Take your coat off and get to know some of the locals, the staff here are great and our members are top shelf... :Namaste:
Re: :p.. hi folks.. legal grower from mi.. trying to push the envelop

This is a bit over my head im afraid but im sure everyone on here would appreciate some pics of your setup when its all done.
Take care.
Re: :p.. hi folks.. legal grower from mi.. trying to push the envelop

absolutly :D... thanks for the welcome guys.. re did the thread in the other forum .. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Welcome whammy I'm dying to see the set up as well!!!!! Wow everything sounds amazing! Looking forward to following a thread or two of yours!!!!!
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