Hi! First time grower needs help please!


Well-Known Member
Hi All, nice meeting you all and thankful that ive found such a great resource! Long story short (kinda)...was a medical card carrier from SF, CA who relocated to the burbs of NYC without any real reliable and consistent access so while at a friends house about a month ago getting medicated, i saw that he had pulled out about 6 seeds from the batch so i decided to try and experiment and give it a try to see if i could get these going. Pls note that i have no budget to spend and have been just scrounging around the house for anything i can use so pls dont flame me for my set up...just trying to make do on my first go at this.

Now after apprx 3 wks, i have 5 plants which vary btwn 6-10" in height and seemed to be growing nicely....however,within the past few days ive noticed some yellowing on some of the leaves/plants so after reviewing some of the images from various sites, seems to look like a Boran or calcium/ or perhaps root rot issue? im really not sure so im hoping that you guys can take a look and let me know what u think.

additionally, since i wasnt thinking that this was going to get outta control (im praying these plants get outta control) i can already begin to smell these and these will need to be moved from my bedroom window sill (yeah that's where they're sitting now). Thinking that since i have a spare bathroom in the basement w/single standard showerstall...perhaps setting a grow tent of that size (2'x2'x56") in the showerstall since there's a window for ventilation using either carbon filter or that Ona (sp) with bucket fan trick that ive seen online. Thoughts?

lastly, how do you attach images/pics?? would love to share some pics of my really low budget, ghetto window sill grow using whatever lights/pots i could find! send me some love!!!

Thanks in advance!
Hey Hobo. Welcome to 420. An awesome place to be. Here is a great resource - lots of info in this link. How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

A carbon filter is the best way to go for the odor unless you have a very low odor strain or situation (sounds like you probably don't).
Here is a link re uploading photos. Everyone new here has the same issues.
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

When you get it figured out post some pics- also basic info about how you are growing, and you'll get plenty of help here.
Hello and welcome need a little more info whats the humility and the temp what soil are your using do you have a PH test kit what lights do you have and pic's would be sweet but keep up the good work your at the right place try youtub they have some nice videos i find its a little easy to watch then read sometimes two good videos to help you would be reddy set grow, and grow like a pro will help you and there lots of video and pics here to help you are you using any plant food?. The plant is getting bigger it need N/P/K to live check your roots if it looks like a jungle of roots jaming up thats why the pics will help to see whats going on :welcome:
hi guys, appreciate the quick replies and really need to find time to cruise this site in more depth! i just uploaded some images into the gallery so hope that u can take a look and let me know what your thoughts are here.

some basic details on how ive been doing this..

lighting: as u can see from the pics...just whatever i had laying around the house...basically desk/house (some hid/cfl/flou) lamps which i kept on them pretty much all day (along w/natural sun that shines through the window).

water: tap/bottled...i read somewhere that i can use some urine mixed w/water as a natural way to get some nitrogen in...did it 2x (alternated w/regular water) and havent done it since.

soil: just took some from the yard and mixed w/some manure fertilizer that the wife uses in the garden.

temp around 74ish (what the wife keeps the house at).

hope this helps! look fwd to the reply!
Yes definitely.
I typed out a post earlier, and managed to erase it so this is a shorter version.
Yes to the window vent, with some diy.
The plants look good. Slightly light deprived.
The discolored leaf is probably from spilling something on it- nothing to worry about IMO.
The bit of deformed growth is also nothing to worry about IMO.
You'll need more lighting at some point. Cfls work but aren't so practical on a larger scale.
There is endless info on this site, and any help you need, just ask. I'll be happy to help with what I can and I know lots of others will as well.
thx so much! having a great time so far. ive updated the gallery with more pics of the makeshift grow...ive stolen some baking/oven pans from the wife to use as reflectors for the time being. figured it had to be better than nothing. going to definitely need to get a grow tent for these 5 plants as the smell is starting to spread. any advice on what brand/size/value on a tent? will need the carbon filter as well but have seen a diy bucket filter? additionally, how large of a pot/bucket will i eventually need to have these grow into? pls do consider my main theme which is budget...lack thereof.

im a bit hesitant/wary to add any nutrients other than using the manure....i did find some All purpose Miracle Grow (blue powder) and have read various opinions so would like ur thoughts on this....otherwise should i just use urine & water for nitrogen?
Never used a tent so I can't recommend a brand. As for size is just a matter of how long you grow those plants for before you flip the lights into flowering mode. The plants as a rough general rule about double in size after you turn the lights to 12/12. Very general rule of thumb for pot size is about 1 gallon per foot of height. I would use a little bit more so a three or 4 foot plant should be in a 5 gallon pot. Often plants are trained and spread out lower, so they won't actually be that height but it gives you an idea.. You can use 5 gallon bucket's to grow in although I find them a little bit too tall to work very well. However you can cut them down to a three or 4 gallon size which is a better shape IMO. Make holes in the bottom and sides at base of course. I grow four fairly large plants in the 4 x 4 area in 7 -10 gallon pots. You could grow six medium size plants (3-5 gallon pots) or eight smallish plants (3 gallon pots) in that area. Hopefully that gives you an idea. Yes there is a DIY barbecue briquet filter thing thread here. I made one myself but haven't used it yet. Apparently it works OK. You'll need a vent fan and some ducting. For your window vent you'll probably need to put a piece of plywood in there and cut a hole and something to mount the ducting to. The time I did that I build a light baffle box to keep light from getting out or in. The tent, or whatever space you grow in, has to be completely lightproof during flowering.
thanks for the advice! think im leaning twd gorilla at this point when i free up some cash flow.
i also just super cropped based on everything ive been reviewing on the site/youtube and have posted some pics. as you can imagine, im extremely nervous about this so hoping that you guys can take a quick look at these pics and let me know if these look ok to u and /or provide additional feedback/advise.


thanks man....in your opinion what should be my first priority at this point? is it upgrading the lighting situation or getting a grow tent, co2?
also just used some Miracle Grow that i found in the garage, however it's the 20/20/20...figured it had to be better than just using water..

and at this point...would u say that these plants have a chance on yielding as these seem to be quite stretchy/tall and the nodes are far apart. should i be concerned about anything? what would u suggest i do?
Forget the co2. It is not at all necessary. It helps vegging plants grow faster yes, but there are many other priorities. People who grow cash crops and are in a hurry like to invest in co2 setups. We don't need it. Best to focus on the basics.
You kind of have to do everything at once. Yes- more light. A tent or grow space. Then you'll need venting for the space- fans and ducting, temperature control (timers, thermostat). Odour control soon after that.
Having more light, or if you can get the cfls closer, will stop them from being tall and gangly.
Only Hurd bad things about mirical grow.... But yea I think better than nothing... Maybe flush it regularly when on mirical grow... Other than that I would go for a grow light and exhaust fan and DIY a cab around that using stuff around the house maybe you still have a cabinet you could modifi and if your getting a light and such maybe some tri part fertelizer you have some cheap ones I pay 16 euro for all my nutrients
Be very careful with the fertilizer at this point. Mix at maximum 1/4 strength. That means- look at the recommended dosage and give it 1:4 of that at most to start. Actually plain water is often better than giving them more nutrients.
Light is actually the real food for them. Nutrients are kind of like the vitamins.
Look in the 'everything you need to know to grow' link and you'll find info on all the basics for setting up. If it was me I'd be hoping those plants don't grow too fast, because they have a tendency to grow faster than you want, if you're scrambling to get set up.
Only Hurd bad things about mirical grow.... But yea I think better than nothing... Maybe flush it regularly when on mirical grow... Other than that I would go for a grow light and exhaust fan and DIY a cab around that using stuff around the house maybe you still have a cabinet you could modifi �� and if your getting a light and such maybe some tri part fertelizer �� you have some cheap ones �� I pay 16 euro for all my nutrients ��

i have been using mirical when i first start growing and had sweet grows with that soil just flush a lot and its fine sucks to flush a lot more but hey could be worse. And yes way more CFL and mist them a lot with water keeps the bugs and dust off and will help with humility do you have a small fan you can use make some kind of wind
Forget the co2. It is not at all necessary. It helps vegging plants grow faster yes, but there are many other priorities. People who grow cash crops and are in a hurry like to invest in co2 setups. We don't need it. Best to focus on the basics.
You kind of have to do everything at once. Yes- more light. A tent or grow space. Then you'll need venting for the space- fans and ducting, temperature control (timers, thermostat). Odour control soon after that.
Having more light, or if you can get the cfls closer, will stop them from being tall and gangly.

yeah i figured as much....trying to upgrade the lighting first, then hopefully able to get a tent asap. dont know if im able to do the temp controls/timers but will certainly work on the venting /carbon scrubber. currently the ionizer air purifier from Sharper Image is doing the trick. the smell that the wife was complaining about is gone and unnoticeable but i doubt that this will be the case once i get further down the road. you'll be hearing from me again soon!
i have been using mirical when i first start growing and had sweet grows with that soil just flush a lot and its fine sucks to flush a lot more but hey could be worse. And yes way more CFL and mist them a lot with water keeps the bugs and dust off and will help with humility do you have a small fan you can use make some kind of wind

there are so many sites contradicting the use of using MG...perhaps i got a bit over anxious but figure to give it a shot. i do also mist the leaves with water and was using the ceiling fan but just added an small desk fan to get the air moving more.
btw, re: super cropping: dumb question and maybe (probably) i missed it on the countless amount of videos on this but how often can i do this? meaning do i have wait until the first round 'heals'/knuckles before doing it again to the same stems/branches? or can i do several breaks on the same stems at once?

and should i FIM?
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