Hi everyone


420 Member
So I'm new to growing. I have 5 plants outside in 30gallon fabric pots. Have had a big stretch of rain and more to come. They are beginning to flower. I'm wanting to keep up with my fertilizing. I'm unable to cover the site to protect the plants. Has anyone ever just covered the base of the plant and pot with bags or something to prevent the rain from soaking the soil?
So I'm new to growing. I have 5 plants outside in 30gallon fabric pots. Have had a big stretch of rain and more to come. They are beginning to flower. I'm wanting to keep up with my fertilizing. I'm unable to cover the site to protect the plants. Has anyone ever just covered the base of the plant and pot with bags or something to prevent the rain from soaking the soil?
It is also about the weight of the water on the plants from the downpours with wind adding to the pressure on the stems and branches. If the humidity is high and temps above 21°c for prolonged periods then budrot can also be a huge issue to watch out for too
Basically that will not help in the rain as the plant will be soaked and take up water either way.If you want to feed more you can. Water maybe more of an issue indoors but when plants are in direct sun they use water much faster and will dry now that flowering is happening and they will use more water and nutrients for the next few weeks.

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