Hi gang, just joined, thought this might be a good place to share my experiences and learn from yours. So high from the pacific northwest. I live close to Mt. Rainier so if it blows up and you hear from me no more - never fear, I went out with a bang. (bong in hand no doubt)
I love to cannacook, butter and tinctures are the way to go.... but make no mistakes I love my smoke. Nasty habit but oh well at least I don't stalk young women on college campuses (too old, I'd stand out... maybe I should be a proffessor).
I'd like to be able to get rid of the little black gnats that live in my soil someday, I think they are coming in the soil I buy, actually. When I think they are gone I am wrong. I've poisoned (rare for me), neemed, set out vinegar and didnt water the soil for a week (that actually seemed to help the most). Plants don't seem to be affected but they have to be, I haven't really checked the roots for damage, I should on a finished pot. I am going to buy some sand and fill the pots to the top, I've heard they can't deal with that.... but I'll post that stuff in the more appropriate forum ofc.
I've posted some pics of my sativa indica strain called blue dream. normally I kinda shy away from labeling weed with a name because it's so often wrong, but this really is blue dream, continues to gain height after flowering, nice aroma but not at all overpowering in flower (nice to keep curious neighbors from being curious) and all the pics I have seen from googling blue dream lead me to believe that this is indeed some type of blue dream strain. and it is freaking awesome. I also have some IDK mystery bud (IDK=i dont know) coming up maybe some of you more diverse knowledged stoners out there can help me pin it down. I belive its some type of indica cross as it stops growing UP in flower, but more on that later.
good close ups of trichomes
Enjoy the pics.
I love to cannacook, butter and tinctures are the way to go.... but make no mistakes I love my smoke. Nasty habit but oh well at least I don't stalk young women on college campuses (too old, I'd stand out... maybe I should be a proffessor).
I'd like to be able to get rid of the little black gnats that live in my soil someday, I think they are coming in the soil I buy, actually. When I think they are gone I am wrong. I've poisoned (rare for me), neemed, set out vinegar and didnt water the soil for a week (that actually seemed to help the most). Plants don't seem to be affected but they have to be, I haven't really checked the roots for damage, I should on a finished pot. I am going to buy some sand and fill the pots to the top, I've heard they can't deal with that.... but I'll post that stuff in the more appropriate forum ofc.
I've posted some pics of my sativa indica strain called blue dream. normally I kinda shy away from labeling weed with a name because it's so often wrong, but this really is blue dream, continues to gain height after flowering, nice aroma but not at all overpowering in flower (nice to keep curious neighbors from being curious) and all the pics I have seen from googling blue dream lead me to believe that this is indeed some type of blue dream strain. and it is freaking awesome. I also have some IDK mystery bud (IDK=i dont know) coming up maybe some of you more diverse knowledged stoners out there can help me pin it down. I belive its some type of indica cross as it stops growing UP in flower, but more on that later.
good close ups of trichomes
Enjoy the pics.