

New Member
Hey folks just discovered this site and man im glad i did,this is by far the most addictive site on the web ,man its got it all.any way about me im 40 ,married, have two sons, one of which just turned 1. iv been smokin 24 years, and i am glad to see so many people ,so organized about legalization.it does give me hope that one day every one can have the opportunity to try this wonderfull herb without having to worry about the legal problems.for those of you who may not know "limbo" was a term for columbian, in the 70s you could find it pretty easy. i personaly miss this stuff ,i havnt seen any in several years,i miss that high you could only get from columbian ,dont get me wrong there is stuff out there that kicks your ass ,but some highs are just better than others. i play the bass,i am pagan,have a beautiful wife,life works. :peace:
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