Hey There Everybody, Just Joined Today: Charlie Brown's Xmas Trees


Well-Known Member
My trip into the ins and outs of growing my own. Seems like a great page. Glad I found you folks.

I first started out with 5 seeds that I combed from a nice bag of Viper. I know, bad idea. In fact, the best seed of the bunch was in the bottom of my bowl and when I took it out of there it was all brown and I though burned too much. But I figured "hell, if there's one seed then....?" I wanted to learn how to do it myself, so even if they all died I will gain knowledge for the next time.
So I started by germinating them, and at first I didn't think any of them would come up. But sure enough after 5 days they were all a couple inches tall. I couldn't believe it! I used poor soil, no fertilizer, no bug control (until it was almost too late to matter), and so on and so forth. In the end, 2 plants had survived my clumsy fingers and I am serious... they looked like Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. Pretty worthless, yet I learned SO much putting in the time that I am glad I did it that way. I am on my second time around now, with Early Girl OG seeds. These baby's are 4 1/2 weeks old. (See picture, taken today) below. I am topping her off tonight.

Your plant looks pretty good so far. Nice fat stalk on her. Have you been growing a while or just starting out. Not sure because you said your Ins & Outs of Grows. Lot's of help on the site should you need it. Be sure to add your journal to your Signature so we can find it easy.
From my last 8 weeks of schooling, watching internet videos, asking a LOT of questions, etc. First, I went and bought a T5 Fluorescent giving off 8000 Lumens. I believe that is the main reason why they didn't grow heartier right from the start. But by the time 4 -5 weeks went by I knew I needed a new light. Nonetheless I pushed on. 3 of the five turned out to be Male plants so I ditched them as soon as I could see them buds. The last two plants were definitely Female but I had made so many mistakes with watering and mixing up my lighting schedule, no grow tent, etc. that they literally had 1 oz. between the two of them, and it smoked horrible so I made brownies with the whole thing - and they ain't bad. This time I got an LED light, and a Gorilla 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 5ft. tent. From the moment I turned that light on I could tell it was at least 3 times as bright as the Fluorescent I was using even set at 25% power. It has 25%, 50%, 75% and full settings. I set it at 25% but then a guy told me to let it go to 50% (and he knows what he's talking about) so It is set on 50% now, on an 18/8 hour light schedule. It's hard to even open the door of my tent without sunglasses on. I knew with this light it would be better and man-O-man, it is. SO, my first recommendation is Do Not Waste Money On A cheaper lamp.
Your plant looks pretty good so far. Nice fat stalk on her. Have you been growing a while or just starting out. Not sure because you said your Ins & Outs of Grows. Lot's of help on the site should you need it. Be sure to add your journal to your Signature so we can find it easy.
Buddy, check out the post below. Beginner all the way.
:welcome:plant looks good but it could be alot better.
I notice you have not done any training, topping and or defoliating. It's a good thing you are here.
Make sure to look around through the site, you can find allot of journals giving you tips on those trainings.

t5 are good for seedlings or clone stage. What are you feeding her?
:welcome:plant looks good but it could be alot better.
I notice you have not done any training, topping and or defoliating. It's a good thing you are here.
Make sure to look around through the site, you can find allot of journals giving you tips on those trainings.

t5 are good for seedlings or clone stage. What are you feeding her?

I just topped her tonight. I have been wondering when to top it but then 013 told me it was time so I did go watch a short video and then went and clipped both my plants, or actually I pinched them. I'm no expert, for sure. But I read up on the variety "Early Girl OG", and almost all of what I read so far has said that that strain usually doesn't get too big, so they are a good variety for beginners. I am using Fox Farm 6-4-4 every other watering and I will switch to Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 soon, Or should I be switching now since I topped the plants? Thanks! I appreciate the advice big time.
fox farm comes with an schedule for feeding. Allot of members here use fox farm and i've seen great results.
Glad you topped her. is it a auto OG or photoperiod?

Have you made a journal, if so you can tag me or a member with an @ in front of their nickname.
Also, if you copy your journal url in the signature box than members can find your journal and follow along to help you.
I just topped her tonight. I have been wondering when to top it but then 013 told me it was time so I did go watch a short video and then went and clipped both my plants, or actually I pinched them. I'm no expert, for sure. But I read up on the variety "Early Girl OG", and almost all of what I read so far has said that that strain usually doesn't get too big, so they are a good variety for beginners. I am using Fox Farm 6-4-4 every other watering and I will switch to Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 soon, Or should I be switching now since I topped the plants? Thanks! I appreciate the advice big time.
Follow the chart. It's a decent guide but goes high on ppm. You can adjust that as they grow. Don't forget to continue the veg feedings long into flowering. Ya don't want N deficienies near the end. They will be more prone to fungus issues. Welcome aboard btw.
Welcome to the forum @BillFold :welcome:

From my last 8 weeks of schooling, watching internet videos, asking a LOT of questions, etc. First, I went and bought a T5 Flourescent giving off 8000 Lumens. I believe that is the main reason why they didn't grow heartier right from the start. But by the time 4 -5 weeks went by I knew I needed a new light. Nonetheless I pushed on. 3 of the five turned out to be Male plants so I ditched them as soon as I could see them buds. The last two plants were definitly Female but I had made so many mistakes with watering and mixing up my lighting schedule, no grow tent, etc. that they literally had 1 oz. between the two of them, and it smoked horrible so I made brownies with the whole thing - and they ain't bad. This time I got a Growers Choice ROI-E420 light, and a Gorilla 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 5ft. tent. From the moment I turned that light on I could tell it was at least 3 times as bright as the Flourescent I was using even set at 25% power. It has 25%, 50%, 75% and full settings. I set it at 25% but then a guy told me to let it go to 50%(and he knows what he's talking about) so It is set on 50% now, on an 18/8 hour light schedule. It's hard to even open the door of my tent without sunglasses on. I knew with this light it would be better and man-O-man, it is. SO, my first recommendation is Do Not Waste Money On A cheaper lamp. If you are a serious home grower, get the GrowersChoice. They make lots of different models but since I plan to only grow 2 or 3 plants at a time I didn't need to go bigger. The E420 costs a lot, $650, but truly, you get it all back, and much faster.
Our sponsors have just as good if not better lights, but cheaper for members :thumb: Some of us are old school and still use HIDs...for about $160 to $200 a light:snowboating:

I just topped her tonight. I have been wondering when to top it but then 013 told me it was time so I did go watch a short video and then went and clipped both my plants, or actually I pinched them. I'm no expert, for sure. But I read up on the variety "Early Girl OG", and almost all of what I read so far has said that that strain usually doesn't get too big, so they are a good variety for beginners. I am using Fox Farm 6-4-4 every other watering and I will switch to Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 soon, Or should I be switching now since I topped the plants? Thanks! I appreciate the advice big time.
If your in Fox Farms soil the Grow Big and Big Bloom are all you need in veg, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flower... here's a chart for you :passitleft:
FF trio.JPG
Buddy, check out the post below. Beginner all the way.
There isn't anything wrong with that plant. Sure she could use some topping & training; but all the leaves are nice & healthy looking. It's on the small side; but I think you said it was a small strain so 18" - 24" would be about average before flowering.
I grew Chronic 2.0 which was a small strain also. That's about how big it got and yielded about 4.5 oz. Of course this doesn't mean yours will be the same but I would think it would be close.
That schedule of fox farm mocha posted is a good guide but I'm not sure why they want you stop grow big @ four weeks in flower. The plant needs that N just as much as the P or K. Like I said it's a guide that needs tweaked. Only time I'd get stingy with N is if I was growing a huge haze or 100% sativa. Other than that the plants need N all the way through.
That schedule of fox farm mocha posted is a good guide but I'm not sure why they want you stop grow big @ four weeks in flower. The plant needs that N just as much as the P or K. Like I said it's a guide that needs tweaked. Only time I'd get stingy with N is if I was growing a huge haze or 100% sativa. Other than that the plants need N all the way through.
That's where growers have to read their plants, different strains want different amounts, this is just a base :thumb:
That's where growers have to read their plants, different strains want different amounts, this is just a base :thumb:
Yeah, it is just a guide. I made some mistakes with it last grow by not continuing the N. Brought on some problems near the end.
There isn't anything wrong with that plant. Sure she could use some topping & training; but all the leaves are nice & healthy looking. It's on the small side; but I think you said it was a small strain so 18" - 24" would be about average before flowering.
I grew Chronic 2.0 which was a small strain also. That's about how big it got and yielded about 4.5 oz. Of course this doesn't mean yours will be the same but I would think it would be close.
Is that 3 per plant? I have 2. Yes, it is a small strain called Early Girl OG. (link below)
Welcome to the forum @BillFold :welcome:

Our sponsors have just as good if not better lights, but cheaper for members :thumb: Some of us are old school and still use HIDs...for about $160 to $200 a light:snowboating:

If your in Fox Farms soil the Grow Big and Big Bloom are all you need in veg, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flower... here's a chart for you :passitleft:
FF trio.JPG
Thanks! I printed one out. Much appreciated.
Is that 3 per plant? I have 2. Yes, it is a small strain called Early Girl OG. (link below)
Do you mean oz.'s ? 4.5 oz. per plant. I consider that kind of a small yield when I'm use to getting 8 - 10 oz. per plant.
My 1st couple grows were all 4 - 6 oz. till I started training them. It makes a Big Difference.
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