Hey Hey! First time posting


Active Member
Thanks to all the great Heads at 420 for providing such a wonderful place with a plethora of information. I never need to ask a Q, b/c I can always find my answers here. Great Forum’s, thanks again!
Now, with that being said, I’m a Newbie.....started when Corona came to town. Researched and researched, and made the decision to soak a couple bag seeds. Got lucky, 2for2 females. One indica/hybrid and one Sativa/hybrid. Learned a ton on that first grow. It was a success, but a lot of room for more growth...lol. Dirt grower FF soil and nutrients. Very good R/h, temps are good, air movement is spot on. I do my best, OCD about my grow room really. My sunshine is a New Maxsisun PB 2000. The Dancers love it! I’m an old school smoker, learning a new hobby, Becoming addicting! I do have a Question, hope I can explain it correctly. I’ve looked for a week or so trying to find anything about this plant I have. I believe it’s a mutant, not sure...that’s where the 420 Community comes in.
I dunked a 3rd bag seed Aug 3rd 36 hours later SHE was in dirt. When she broke soil she had 2 1/5 cotyledons. One of them were heart shaped, and one was normal. I did not get a pic, I hate I didn’t. She’s 31-32 days today. Ole girl took off from day one growing extra huge fan leaves with lots of stretch and absolutely no side shoots....none. After 2 weeks, she slowed the stretch and showed some very slow side shoot growth. What I’ve noticed in the last couple weeks, are the side shoots are only producing leaves, the aren’t producing any side shoots of their own. The plant loves the light, and has a very strange reaction to being watered....it wilts like crazy. Watering very minimal, believe me. You’ll see in the pics. Does that make sense? I know it’s not what WE want when growing, We need plenty of shoots! Wanted to get any feed back from the more experienced growers. Thanks again for any help, questions you may have for me, constructive criticism, I’m here to learn. Hope the pics help, can take others if need be. Thanks....CF


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Hey CarolinaFarmer,

Welcome to 420...! Mutant plant looks good to me, a bit leggy and lots of space between nodes but otherwise looking good. I think it will start building out more with maturity but it may be a weird phenotype with less side branching. Besides most everything is hybridized now so it could be photo, auto or even fastbuds in lineage. Since it’s bagseed maybe grab clones now just in case it’s the bomb pheno, which you won’t know until it’s cured which is too late hence the clones now.

Anyway my 2 cents but as always..... see what other opinions come in
:welcome: Your flowering plants look nice!

There are much more experienced growers here who may jump in, but I wonder about where the no side shoot plant is in your lighting area?
Have you considered tying her over to get more light to the sides to encourage shoots? That is a guess...

Edit: you said no side shoots, none and rereading I guess that's your point :lot-o-toke: so, welcome!
Looking good man! Newbie as well. The qilting appearance could just be a characteristic of that strain, or phenotype of the strain. Does she bounce back the next day ok?!
Keep them green, go from there os my motto for now. Welcome aboard sir!
Welcome aboard. I see branching. She looks good. Like Konk said...bend her over and they'll grow. Bagseed is always a toss up as to what ya get. I call them box of chocolate grows. Your girls are all looking good. Ya should start a journal.
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