Hey guys

I Am Dr Nick

New Member
Hiii everybody!

Just thought I'd say hi to all my new 420 Mag friends. :)

I'm not an actual doctor I just thought the name was funny lol.

Happy toking all!
Someone say Captain? Oh hey steve... LOL

Welcome to the 420 Mag family... it's great to have you w/us. :welcome:
If you haven't already, please take a moment to check out the guidelines: Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

Here are some other links that may be helpful:
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

How to Ask for Grow Support

How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine

Mission Statement

Medical Marijuana Lounge - 420 Magazine

Take your coat off and get to know some of the locals, the staff here are great and our members are top shelf... :Namaste:
Sup nickster welcome aboard! If you wanna live and breathe the best hobby around thrn this is the premier site to do it! As we grow , as as we grow, as we grow a little something like this Hit It.......good luck getting sleep for the next few days! Youll be reading your ass off! Welcome my man
Wow. Thanks for the warm reception! I have to say that I can tell my experience here will be better than the other forums that I'm part of.

A little about myself: I'm a MMJ patient in the Bay Area, California. I've yet to start my own personal grow although I have helped a number of friends with numerous indoor soil/hydro as well as outdoor grows (which always have to head indoors because of the damn fungus gnats lol).

I can't wait to start posting here in this great community.
:welcome: brother! I love it here, it's a really great community!

I'd like to double the suggestion that anyone new take a few minutes to read through the guidelines. That way you can start participating without any surprises!

Hi guys
i am new to the site but desparate for advice. I am growing plants outside (big buddha) and they are really big 7 ft tall and growing but my branches are snapping off from the plant because the bush is too heavy for the branch to hold. How can i amend this, i am getting desparate as i see all my hard work breaking off in the wind.

Please help
I take it it must be loaded down w/buds benjamin?

You can use netting that you can get at your local green shop or many other places that sell gardening supplies. To secure it you can use bamboo, re-bar, wood framed.

You can make a trellis and use string to hold up branches to it.
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