
Active Member
Hey. Yesterday found one hermie. Couple of "bannanas" bottom of plant. But..its too fckn late to save other from that raper. So i killed it. But the question is about others.

Here is many of them, so if i worried in other my posts about stunted grow/relative humidity - all this is past. Now im worried, is it worth to save them? What about buds? Will they still keep fattening or after pollinating they use 100% energy on seeds?
I know that buds will end with seeds in them, but after all this, will they be bigger on finish line?(take a look on pics).

This is some freaky grow for me. Or just im a freak who found this fcker too late in my garden.
No time to cry, just want to know of you guys..what is the best moves in situation like this.




If you notice flowers' pistils turning color and shriveling earlier than they normally would, that generally means that those flowers have been pollinated. (It can also happen due to spraying something noxious on them, but we'll ignore that.) Therefore, all of the flowers that still have white pistils after a few days should belong to unpollinated flowers.

Definitely don't kill plants based on a maybe. Wait and see. Afterwards, you can make your decision based on what you discover. You might decide to continue, continue after removing some flowers (or one or more branches), continue after removing one or more entire plants, or scrap the grow and consider the time invested in it to be wasted.

People smoked seedy bud for years/decades/centuries, because they didn't understand the concept of sin semilla. I'm guessing that most of them got reasonably high, lol.
Does seed formation go hand in hand with flower formation?
If you notice flowers' pistils turning color and shriveling earlier than they normally would, that generally means that those flowers have been pollinated. (It can also happen due to spraying something noxious on them, but we'll ignore that.) Therefore, all of the flowers that still have white pistils after a few days should belong to unpollinated flowers.

Definitely don't kill plants based on a maybe. Wait and see. Afterwards, you can make your decision based on what you discover. You might decide to continue, continue after removing some flowers (or one or more branches), continue after removing one or more entire plants, or scrap the grow and consider the time invested in it to be wasted.

People smoked seedy bud for years/decades/centuries, because they didn't understand the concept of sin semilla. I'm guessing that most of them got reasonably high, lol.
Does seeds formation go hand in hand with flower formation? Or after this all i can expect is same size buds like they are now and plus seeds?
Cuz, if they are not getting bigger, there is no reason to save them.

I feel like im a walking problem.
They will still get bigger (assuming they have food light and decent atmosphere) but they will take longer to finish. Because, as you said, they will be spending some energy on forming the buds. My first plants took forever to finish, and I only realized after the fact that it was because they had seeds..... TONS of seeds, lol....Pain in the butt to clean, but the smoke was good :D
They will still get bigger (assuming they have food light and decent atmosphere) but they will take longer to finish. Because, as you said, they will be spending some energy on forming the buds. My first plants took forever to finish, and I only realized after the fact that it was because they had seeds..... TONS of seeds, lol....Pain in the butt to clean, but the smoke was good :D
For now each of pollinated plant found is 5-15 big seeds. But can't find any medium size ones. BUT.., only yesterday was killed that freak, so It now remains to wait until the small ones get bigger.

I felt they didn't fattening, so i started looking..and found that. After that i was cheking all of them...and yes, there was fckn hermie.

Bummer - but it doesn't look like a total loss
If you see any balls just pick em off; you'll have the odd seed here and there but not a crop wipeout
Main thing is you got trichomes and resin so you still have a worthwhile harvest
Bummer - but it doesn't look like a total loss
If you see any balls just pick em off; you'll have the odd seed here and there but not a crop wipeout
Main thing is you got trichomes and resin so you still have a worthwhile harvest
They are sticky, yes...maybe im paranoid, but i cant feel free now, cuz that hermie really was there and couple of seeds too.
just some info .. there are some good strains even famous ones that where known to throw out a sac here or there late in flower ...a grape vine or coming out very early in flower is a totally different story it . It looks like yours put out sacs in the early stage of flowering .... I wouldn't sweat the seeds....
The question is, did the hermie release any pollen? If so, you can spray your plants down with water... that should send any stray pollen to the floor and neutralize it. :goodluck:
I wouldnt stress to much about it. If you get a seed or two from your plants, grow them next year. Chances are they are female.
Hey. Yesterday found one hermie. Couple of "bannanas" bottom of plant. But..its too fckn late to save other from that raper. So i killed it. But the question is about others.

Here is many of them, so if i worried in other my posts about stunted grow/relative humidity - all this is past. Now im worried, is it worth to save them? What about buds? Will they still keep fattening or after pollinating they use 100% energy on seeds?
I know that buds will end with seeds in them, but after all this, will they be bigger on finish line?(take a look on pics).

This is some freaky grow for me. Or just im a freak who found this fcker too late in my garden.
No time to cry, just want to know of you guys..what is the best moves in situation like this.




My last grow hermied. Now it was only one plant so I didn't need to worry about others but I pulled a little over 3 ounces from a 3 foot plant. I haven't gone through all the bud not even close honestly so I am not sure how many seeds I will have from it or if I will grow them but while was I was trimming for drying I found like 15.
If this was my grow I would keep it going and watch. I am leaning towards Tortured Soul and Roys answers.
I've been growing hermies since the 80's . If your careful with them you can grow some very fine weed. My weed my not be the tastiest or smell the best, but everyone who's ever smoked with me always says how f ING high they got.
I've been growing hermies since the 80's . If your careful with them you can grow some very fine weed. My weed my not be the tastiest or smell the best, but everyone who's ever smoked with me always says how f ING high they got.
/sympathy I'm not knocking hermies exactly, but I don't think anyone has suggested they grow bad weed.... its just the seeds that are so annoying to clean out, you pay dearly when you miss one and your joint explodes lol
I've been growing hermies since the 80's . If your careful with them you can grow some very fine weed. My weed my not be the tastiest or smell the best, but everyone who's ever smoked with me always says how f ING high they got.

Thats the spirit !

nothing can ever be discovered if we continue to kill hermie plants. They are only a bad thing if you want sinsemilla. But everywhere else landraces are grown and smoked, the bud has seeds. Jamaican bud I smoked had seeds and was super good smoke.


My buddy always made hash from seeded plants. Not one or two seeds, but fairly heavily pollinated plants.
Best part was the seeds were still viable after a few ice water washes, so he could find out if they were from hermies or males.
I always check seeds from past grows to see if they'll be worth growing or trying my hand at breeding when I run low on bought seeds.
My buddy always made hash from seeded plants. Not one or two seeds, but fairly heavily pollinated plants.
Best part was the seeds were still viable after a few ice water washes, so he could find out if they were from hermies or males.
I always check seeds from past grows to see if they'll be worth growing or trying my hand at breeding when I run low on bought seeds.
How does one find out by looking at seeds whether the 'father' was self, other fem, or male ?
How does one find out by looking at seeds whether the 'father' was self, other fem, or male ?
I did this once, I threw all 50 seeds in one soil bag and see whats the outcome. You would be surprised to find most would be female, some hermie and slim chances of getting a male. I dont know about looking at a seed with a microscope, maybe decoding the black lines on the seeds might give you a hint, but then there are all environamental triggers that could shape the pheno and eventually changing the geno.
How does one find out by looking at seeds whether the 'father' was self, other fem, or male ?
One plants them, and looks at the plants. :)
If you get some males, it was pollinated by a male.
Granted, you can't always tell if it was a self pollination or from some other female when you only get females from the seeds, but if it was another female and the strains are different enough it should be possible.
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