Hermaphrodite plant from Humboldt


Well-Known Member
Let me first say.....im not blaming Humbolt. This is the nature of my fortune.

When you buy feminized seeds....what is the odds of getting a straight up hermaphrodite plant?
I just noticed male sacs on the on plant I wanted to grow badly. A sativa plant 75% sativa.

Damn plant I was just in the grow tent watering it and noticed make sacs on it.

Of course I found it in time luckily. But damn. That sucks.

The strain name is Guzzurple

I am so pissed about it.

Humboldt seeds have been nothing but problems.

It just started to bud so it's going to be full of seeds and I'm not letting it ruin my other plants.

If I can cut every single one of these things off thoroughly and keep an eye out for new ones....you think it's possible it will keep budding?

I just found one open sac. But only one.

I may have to kill it. Probably will.

When you buy feminized seeds....what is the odds of getting a straight up hermaphrodite plant?

not very high. you can increase the odds stressing them as you grow. odds increase a bit more growing autos.

I just noticed male sacs on the on plant I wanted to grow badly. A sativa plant 75% sativa.

Damn plant I was just in the grow tent watering it and noticed make sacs on it.

Of course I found it in time luckily. But damn. That sucks.

get it outta there before any of the flowers open or you'll have a bunch of seeds from the others as well.

If I can cut every single one of these things off thoroughly and keep an eye out for new ones....you think it's possible it will keep budding?

it will definitely keep budding but judging from the pics it's a strong hermie and will produce male flowers all the way through by the looks of it.

:bravo: that's a true hermaphrodite. You can pick the balls off.
I picked them all off without them opening. A few were female but I was taking no changes.

And man they were everywhere. I had to pull buds back and gently pull them off.
I have a pile of them and then I just cut a bunch of leaves off and some entire stems to cut down the amount I will have to check it as time goes by.

It will be outside on my roof and out of my basement grow room.

But I am going to try to salvage it by checking it every few days right now and keep popping them off carefully. None were opened thank God.

I caught it in time I believe. I mean what are the odds on getting a true hermaphrodite from a company which guarantees 99% feminized seeds?

That thing didn't Hermie. Like you said....t's a true hermaphrodite.
Everyone tells me to destroy it but it's got sugary small buds on it. I can't see if I keep up on it the plant ruining my current grow because the grow has only about three weeks from finished.
And the buds are already nice.
Except one plant. The white truffle JR 14. That has 2 months to go. And man is it tall.

The crazy thing is how those damn balls hide. They hide good. But I got them all I believe. I kept finding them and cut off a bunch of leaves and even some stems that may have turned out nice but I don't want as much to look through every few days. So I pruned it too. It's still fairly dense.

not very high. you can increase the odds stressing them as you grow. odds increase a bit more growing autos.

get it outta there before any of the flowers open or you'll have a bunch of seeds from the others as well.

it will definitely keep budding but judging from the pics it's a strong hermie and will produce male flowers all the way through by the looks of it.
Yep. I am prepared to pick them off as they grow. I think if I keep up on it ill get them long before they open.
For the benefit of this forum I'm going to finish this plant on my roof.

That way at least people will know what is possible...or if I'm a true idiot. 😂

Either way...can't be upset now.

This is the plant after defol and a good bit of pruning.

I may prune some more but I want to let it recover from what I just did to it.

stressing any Cannabis seed and you can make into a hermaphrodite.
Did you stress the plant ?
I don't use feminized seeds, I use regular seeds and develop a mother plant and clone her for years.
pollen can go five to ten miles. but the thermal winds in north Africa is carrying the hash plant pollen for hundreds of miles
I'm on it. It's not going to happen.

My plants are closest.

doesn't matter.

pollen can go five to ten miles.

this right here. having that plant anywhere in the neighbourhood will ensure your others are fucked. pollen is near microscopic and will travel into your house and others around you. it gets everywhere.

every year we have growers ruined because someone nearby was dumb about a male or hermie.
doesn't matter.

this right here. having that plant anywhere in the neighbourhood will ensure your others are fucked. pollen is near microscopic and will travel into your house and others around you. it gets everywhere.

every year we have growers ruined because someone nearby was dumb about a male or hermie.
Yes, world is good as long as everyone keeps their back yard in order.
stressing any Cannabis seed and you can make into a hermaphrodite.
Did you stress the plant ?
I don't use feminized seeds, I use regular seeds and develop a mother plant and clone her for years.
pollen can go five to ten miles. but the thermal winds in north Africa is carrying the hash plant pollen for hundreds of miles

stressing any Cannabis seed and you can make into a hermaphrodite.
Did you stress the plant ?
I don't use feminized seeds, I use regular seeds and develop a mother plant and clone her for years.
pollen can go five to ten miles. but the thermal winds in north Africa is carrying the hash plant pollen for hundreds of miles
So you're saying a hermaphrodite and a hermied plant are the same thing?

Seems like they're much different to me.

I've had plants hermie At the end of budding. This is at the beginning and it's straight up grew male and female parts. I think that's a huge difference and no my plant was not stressed at all. That plant never had a yellow leaf on it never had a single issue.
I have a friend who grows all Jack Herer. It's my roommates nephew.

He grows like a farmer outside.

He grows to get seeds and buds.

Grows 11 to 12 plants in a row.

Out of them he gets a few males. He leaves one. He waits till the males open to pollinate his plants. Let's it go a two days after opening and then strips the male.

His last grow he got 70 seeds and huge buds.

Out of 9 7 foot tall plants.

So. The truth about this is....if you leave the male to open non stop it will give you tons of seeds. But if you strip it after it pollinates some of your plants you won't get all seeds. But if you strip it before they open you will only get a small amount of you miss one or two and it's close to your other plants.

Royal seed has an article on this as well which speaks of growers separating males. Says they keep the males all the way on the other side of their grow area and strip them. But let them grow so they can polinate as they want to.

Seems I don't have to kill the plant. I just have to keep stripping it. I'm sure I'm going to get seeds. But it's not going to be full of seeds because Im not going to let it happen.

Also....the studies done regarding pollen moving five to ten miles is in regards to Forrests of trees that are 40 foot tall and taller which are in a different wind structure than on the ground. And nobody is picking those male parts off before they throw out mega pollen.

Research is so important.

Some people hear something and commit the logical fallacy of applying it to everything. But I will not absolutely will not deny that being careful is necessary and if you don't want seeds at all the best most careful thing to do is kill it.

I was gonna write this post yesterday but I ran out of time.

I will try to get you all some photos of his grows and buds.
it's your immediate neighbours that may come looking for you. i wouldn't worry about 40 miles away. you've no idea what the folk 40 ft away are up to and how they'll feel about it.
it's your immediate neighbours that may come looking for you. i wouldn't worry about 40 miles away. you've no idea what the folk 40 ft away are up to and how they'll feel about it.
Not one of my neighbors grow. But....I get the point. You are right it could pollinate someone's grow. If I did nothing to it...it would pollinate itself first.....But so far it hasnt even pollinated itself.
Nor did it pollinate my other plants it sat next to.

I am checking it every day so far and I mean thoroughly.

Edit: my neighbors have all come by and commented on my plant outside because it was large and right in my front yard. That being most on my street.

Your point is extremely valid....if I just let it go wild and throw pollen everywhere.

I believe I am thorough enough to stop that from happening. For three weeks I have to do this every day.

It sucks to have to add that to my day...like I have the time. I don't really. But I am going to make the time. It's not even going to pollinate itself. And I will know by checking the bract and the calxes. The moment I see one turn brown on the tops I will know I missed something.

But...if I miss something it still doesn't mean the entire plant will be nothing but seeds. That happens when you do nothing. And leave it go. So far I've gotten them all early.

If they get out of hand to where it's just too difficult to keep up with it will be burned.
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