Here Are The Science-Approved Health Benefits Of Having Sex While High

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
Having sex and getting high are two fun things to do separately – but they're even more fun to do at the same time. There are real-deal psychological and physiological benefits of a quick toke – or nibble, or spray – before climbing into bed.

If you're in the right headspace for it, sex with a head full of cannabis is great. It's been shown that cannabis can act as an aphrodisiac, strengthening orgasms in women and boosting libido. "Sometimes when couples smoke marijuana, they take more time to have a fuller sensual experience and slow down, which would allow more time for vasocongestion (blood flow to genitals) and myotonia (muscular tension)," sex therapist Ian Kerner previously told Mic. He said weed can cause couples to feel "relaxed, comfortable and sexy, [which may] lead to a higher quality of orgasm."

It's All In Your Head: When it comes to sex and biology, men tend to obsess over erectile dysfunction. Drugs like Viagra and Cialis can fix the physiological symptoms, but the root problem is often psychological: stress and anxiety. "The mentality for men is that they just need a pill and that will solve all the psychological issues, but that doesn't work," Dr. Jordan Tishler, a cannabis therapeutics physician for Inhale MD, told Mic. "Whatever the psychological causes of the dysfunction or inability to make intimate contact, women are more willing to discuss above-the-neck issues than men."

Cannabis, unless taken in excessive doses, is known to help curb stress and anxiety. Why and how it affects the brain isn't talked about as much.

Your body actually makes cannabinoids in a part of your brain and nervous system called the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate our stress and anxiety levels. THC, marijuana's champion psychoactive ingredient, is chemically similar to a brain chemical called anandamide – better known as our body's natural marijuana – that makes us less anxious.

Marijuana's impact on sex looks a lot like the way it impacts everything else: It helps shelf stress and anxiety in order to make users more present. Not only does it help you feel more comfortable in your skin, but with the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the feeling of bonding, cannabis can help you feel more connected to your partner.

"The endocannabinoid system does help restore a healthy neurological firing pattern of existing oxytocin already in an individual's body," Stephanie Viskovich, a medical marijuana advocate in Washington, told Mic. "Cannabis won't deplete what is there to increase sensation in one giant shot." She said it helps your body "naturally restore a healthy firing of neurological pistons directly correlated to balancing the oxytocin, which is naturally produced by your own body."

Research Needs To Aim Higher: Overall, marijuana is the ingestible equivalent of meditation when it comes to getting stress levels in check. But there aren't a lot of studies to prove the impact. According to Nicole Prause, founder of Liberos, a company that uses brain stimulation to impact sex drive issues, the problem comes from the lack of funding and support for sex-related research.

"No one will apply to study THC and sexual arousal," Prause told Mic. "You need a lot of money to run fMRI studies, usually $600 an hour, just for scanner time. Congressional aids scan NIH funding for the word 'sexual' and have brought five grants up for defunding. One was successful – the only time in the history of NIH it has ever happened."

Until then, we'll just have to go on largely anecdotal evidence, which is why it's all the more important for couples to experiment, communicate and find what works for them.

"Everyone reacts differently to strains, and there is a lot of misconception about sativas being good for energy and 'daytime use,'" Viskovich told Mic. "Depending on your body's physiological makeup, a sativa could help you focus and give you energy, or it could induce anxiety and paranoia." She compared it to how Ritalin affects people with and without ADD.

Viskovich recommends running the stoner gamut: Try a pure indica strain, a pure sativa strain and a hybrid mix of the two. Plenty of home research needs to be done on your own to see what works in your bedroom – so have fun.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Here Are The Science-Approved Health Benefits Of Having Sex While High
Author: Max Plenke
Contact: Contact Page
Photo Credit: The Associated Press/Robert F. Bukaty
Website: MIC News
Now this is rather interesting, I wonder how this information is going to affect those laws regarding pregnt women. I mean think about it, for recall this very newsletter released a few stories a little over a month or so ago about a couple of women who took medicinal cannabis in a few different forms to fight extreme morning sickness and nausea and the other to help alleviate pain during the pregnancy with both having the law come down rather harshly on at least one of them. Obviously those laws will inevitably change as Mormor people except the medical benefits of marijuana for all the various ailments that a treats, but I am rather curious as to how long makers will try to word any change regarding these presented facts.

For example, would lawmakers come down more harshly on pregnant women who became pregnant as a result of having used cannabis as an effort DZ versus women who had to use it to combat morning sickness and other health conditions resulting from pregnancy that cannabis could treat. Grants of the ideal situation would be that lawmakers simply remove marijuana in any form from the list of drugs that a pregnant woman could get in trouble for having used during pregnancy, but considering how the legal status of marijuana is still in flux, and just given the nature of humanity not wanting to change with the times, I think we can all agree that that ideal solution will present itself for quite some time and not be for a few passes at legalistic wording.

I'm also rather curious as to what sort of workarounds newly realized pregnant women would come up with if they became pregnant as a result of using marijuana as A aphrodisiac. Would they wait before going to the doctor to have an examination, try to do a cleanse, etc.. Conversely, what if doctors were required to start doing drug screenings on their pregnant patients randomly.? don't take me the wrong way, it's not like I'm trying to figure out a workaround to a certain problem, LOL, but given how controversial the state of being pregnant is in this country, I think these are questions that should be considered.
As far as I know, the sigle study on cannabis and pregnancy showed limited areas of higher awareness and funcion in toddlers who were exposed to cannabis in the womb. In other areas, and in general, cannabis exposure in the womb had neither positive or negative effects on toddlers.

Yes but that's fact backed info, something the nation frequently ignores unless the facts are in their favor. Even if the silence were to reveal something like smoking or eating certain strains actually bennifited the developing child the political climate regarding pregnancy in this country is so controversial but one thing that both parties agree is the less substances" (caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) the better and it's too the point that the law will get involved if traced are found. I'm not talking about what is right or wrong here mind you, I'm talking about how people in the government would react in the current climate to information such as this.

Let's put this another way, as the article says, for women, sex is much more of a mental thing than a physical one, what's the first Apple you have a female Hank Hill and the only way she could get pregnant is if she relaxes enough, but for whatever reason the only way she could do that is if he takes a puff or two. Afterwords she finally becomes pregnant, but because of the current climate, if it gets out that she smoked, even if nothing is in the system, The government is more than likely going to get involved right now.

I guess what I'm saying is that while I fully expect in the future the laws are going to change regarding marijuana, but right now in our current political climate of keeping the status quo/do nothing congress those changes are likely not going home anytime soon and people that could actually benefit from smoking marijuana for something as human as growing their family are left in a uncertain stressful place and likely will be for sometime if the patchwork laws that the various states that have passed laws regarding marijuana use is any indication.
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