

New Member
Hey there guys, stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago, and i find it very insightful. My friend gave me a plant that was supposedly very good bud. he had germinated a seed and planted it in a pot and put it in his window. The plant is a few months old. I took it and put it under a cfl in my closet. my question is, is it bad if the stems on the nodes are turning purple? some of the leaves were dying and ive started to give it nutrients at small doses but i just think the purple is wrong. any help?
it's a bit late david..... check in tomorrow night to see replies from the grow support team here..........
you might think of uploading a couple of pics to the gallery too..... then you can post the pics in this thread if you like.......
Let me know if you need help in the gallery......
Your right. A plant going purple after a couple of months of life is telling you that something isn't right. It could be several things David. It could be due to stress which changing it's enviroment definately caused. It can be nutrient (most like phosphorus) lock out due to a ph imbalance or cold temperatures. It could have a salt build up which could be causing problems. We need more information to properly diagnose this. We need the plants history. You say it's a few months old. How tall is it? Do you know the sex of the plant yet? What has it been fed it's entire life? How big is the cfl, where did you buy it at and what light cycle do you have the plant on?(12/12 or 18/6 or what?) What are your room temps with lights on? Off? What is your humidity? These are just a few questions one must know the answers to just to diagnose problems. Growing cannabis is more than just throwing a seed into some dirt and harvesting big buds 14 weeks later. You know when it's late like this and there isn't a lot of help around, you need to search the forums for the answers you seek. Type in exactly the questions or topics you want information in and read the posts/threads that appear. This site has a lot of posts that explains how to grow cannabis. Put all the posts together and you've got one hell of a grow guide that spells things out from A to Z. It just requires that you read. A lot! lol
Racefan said:
you need to search the forums for the answers you seek. Type in exactly the questions or topics you want information in and read the posts/threads that appear. This site has a lot of posts that explains how to grow cannabis. Put all the posts together and you've got one hell of a grow guide that spells things out from A to Z. It just requires that you read. A lot! lol
^^^well said. I hope many others read that freindly bit of advice.
actually, i went and bought Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes. I think that may give me some insight ;-)
i have the same problem with one of my girls, it is very purpilish and looks like it may have a build up of salt at base of stem it is white and powdery but bigger granuals like salt would be. am using miricle grow soil, and just put nutes in last night. how often should i be watering as well.
Give it a shower and let the water wash the salts out of your soil.Then get your self a bigger pot with some good potting soil. Its like chicken soup it couldn't hurt!

Good Luck :peace:
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