Somehow ended up with Thrips from BrandNew bags of FoxFarm Ocean Bleand soil. What can I do to get rid of them???
Have you planted anything in it yet?
If not you have a couple options.
Cook it in the oven to kill everything.
Use mosquito dunks and some bug killer like SNS.
Or dump it and get something else.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Somehow ended up with Thrips from BrandNew bags of FoxFarm Ocean Bleand soil.
It is possible but it could also be co-incidence so don't jump down that rabbit hole yet. Verify first that there are a lot of Thrips in the bag of soil. If it is just a few they might have ended up there because another source is causing the whole problem and they are now on your plant and in the bag of soil.

What can I do to get rid of them???
Lots of ways. Start off with a search here for suggestions. Do a web page search using your favorite search engine to see what other solutions are available.

To get started here is a thread from a bit over 2 years ago on Thrips.
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