
New Member
Hi. I'm new to this. Just got white widow seeds. No idea how to start or what to do. I'm a total virgin. Can use all the expertise. My plan was for outdoors in a pot.
No idea how to start or what to do. I'm a total virgin.

At the risk of seeming to not answer your question, and with all due respect... I suggest that you start by doing some reading here. I hate to say, "Everything that you need to know has already been discussed," lol, because I don't want to run you off (or to seem like a hind-end). But I expect that you'd not only learn more and be able to form specific questions by doing some reading first, but also to have an easier - and, ultimately, far more successful - first grow.

For example: One of us could give you a few methods that are commonly used to germinate seeds. But if you don't know what kind of medium (what you're planting in) you are going to use and, therefore, have it on hand and ready to go, then you're not going to want to germinate yet anyway.

I'm assuming that you're going to be growing in some kind of soil - probably one that you'll cut with an amount of perlite. But what kind? FoxFarm's Ocean Forest is popular, but many people prefer other brands (and I'd consider it pretty hot for seedlings). Are you wishing to mix up your own soil or purchase it? If the latter, what brands are available in your area? What size containers are you planning on using? Within reason, bigger is generally better. Or are you planting in the ground? If so, have you done any site preparation and soil amendment?

Et cetera.

Perusing these two areas will be helpful with the basics:
How to Grow Marijuana
Frequently Asked Questions
As will this one, which is specifically for outdoor growing:
Outdoor Growing

What, exactly, are you trying to achieve? Huge plants, or smaller ones that are easier to conceal? What is your climate / growing season like? Will you be able to regularly visit and care for your plants? These and other things are important considerations.
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