

You gotta give us something to work with.
Are you in the planning stages or are you already growing?
Okay so I've got three plans so I started from seeds I'm using Kellogg topsoil and for a fertilizer boost I'm using BC boost on with BC grow they are about roughly 2 months old I am on a 24 hr light cycle and have good ventilation fan on allday and night also they seem to be doing good but it seems there a little small
Can you take pictures to post for us Bob?

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Not sure about the light schedule, everybody has their own opinion, but in my experience I use 14.5 hours on and 9.5 off during veg. The only time I use 24 hour lights is to re-veg a plant that was flowering. I did read an article that suggested that 18/6 produced better growth than 20/4 or 24/0 light schedules.
I would suggest switching to 18/6 for a week or so and see what happens. Important tasks are done during the dark period and I think some strains need that more than others. My .02

They are very small for 2 months old

There are many light cycles people use. 24/0, 22/2, 20/4, 18/6 and more. There have also been a lot of growers who used to veg in 24/0 who now veg in 18/6 because they see improvements in growth with the dark cycle. I believe the dark cycle is a very important part of the life cycle of any plant because that's the main time that certain tasks are done by the plant.

To expand on this even more
You will see many many growers that successfully grow in a 24/0 room. You will also see guys from time to time in 24/0 light that show very stunted growth in a plant/plants and cannot figure out why. Here's my take on that....

When a person is awake we eat/drink and move about. When we sleep our body repairs damaged cells so we can wake to eat more and do it all again...
While I know we are different than plants and the processes are different I feel that healthy plants within an ideal growing situation can thrive in 24/0 environments however if there's just something not quite 100% right for the plant or any damaged cells the plant cannot then thrive in 24/0 even if the plant does not show us symptoms that we can see visually and that plant may need a dark cycle for repairs. I believe there can be very small issues within a grow environment including maybe even just the light temperature off by a few hundred on the Kelvin scale that can make a 24/0 schedule go from great to no good.

I would suggest you go to a 18/6 or even a 20/4 cycle for a bit and see if growth resumes. My bet is that it will at 18/6 and that will be further proof that very small issues within a plant can make a dark cycle needed while a fantastic environment and almost perfect nute regimen can show success with 24/0.
They look OK to me. I'd go with 18/6 until you flip them. Maybe a little small for their age, but it depends on that "roughly 2 months old".
What are you using for lights?
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