Help with week 7 of flower: Leaves are looking completely dead!


420 Member
So my plants are on the first day of week 7 and the leaves look dead the stems are still attatched and don’t rip off so they’re not completely dead but they look so some of the leaves on certain plants aren’t dead tho and still green I’m not growing any of the plants different just different genetics I was wondering if this was just it being the last weeks of flower and taking nutrients from the leaves to make the buds more ripe lmk!!





WOW first whats the heat like in there and have u looked for bugs. and your leaves would be yellow not looking like
that if it was just sucking nutes out leaves.I assume u feed daily and the grow media is not dry.
Jebus krypes!!! They look extremely dry.. the buds don't look anywhere near ready.. what are you growing them in?
Have your temperatures got too high? Is there any healthy growth anywhere on the plant? What and how many lights are you using??
It's either heat or there's something going on with the roots. They aren't sucking up water.. what has been your watering schedule/regime?

To answer your questions about the taking the nutrients from the leaves.. you normally have a colour change, they don't usually shrivel up..
Yes they usually just change to yellow or brown I’ve never had this happen before my cousin is watching them at his house Bc I can’t have them in mine he told me this just happened a few days ago he says he waters every day which I don’t do and I think the roots are getting mold
85 I just checked way too hot
Hello @Kris123 hope you are well my friend.
85f is too high 75 would be best. 80 is max.
If your in soil you can't water every day. Soil needs a dry cycle in between watering.
As you say roots are in trouble.
Do you have superthrive or b1 or kelp or some sort of root enhancement product.
I'd let them dry and give them something for root health.
Get your air circulation up, temps down and let pots dry out.
Then target the roots with something for their health.
Keep us posted.
Cant say this late in flower i have ever soil or coco wanted them to dry out totally unless i had been over feeding.
So i will correct myself. IF your plants are not feeding every day and drying out the soil i would not feed more.
Saying plants in soil dont need water everyday is misguided there are so many reasons why they might. Pots
to small the weather etc etc.

PS. i would bet good money the heat stress has caused your problem IF its ben that hot sometime.
Golly bongs that's a horror show - you're several weeks too late here, should have seen the earlier signs
The fly traps are black, something is eating your leaves, and the grubs live in the soil eating mould/roots - ugh
I'd get all that dead and infested stuff outta there ASAP and try to salvage what's left (the front two)
Sorry, but taking a light out ain't gonna do much good - these plants are pretty resilient, but they ain't Papa Lazarus
I my i never really noticed the traps. If u put them in there my friend you kinda already know your major problem.
As said salvage what you can is my advice and nuke it all and start again.
Yeah I’m not watching this grow a lot it’s about 30 minutes from where I’m at I have someone else watching them he told me this only happened 3 days ago and one night they where fine and like a day or two later they weren’t
So my plants are on the first day of week 7 and the leaves look dead the stems are still attatched and don’t rip off so they’re not completely dead but they look so some of the leaves on certain plants aren’t dead tho and still green I’m not growing any of the plants different just different genetics I was wondering if this was just it being the last weeks of flower and taking nutrients from the leaves to make the buds more ripe lmk!!





Wow hot hot hot looks like
May be the 2 small ones the rest nuke. Got to be honest im para about bugs after a few bouts of mites.So
as i said i would nuke everything i cant smoke.And clean the tent out well.Maybe even move it if your going
to have the same black fly problem were it is. also summer is going to be a hard work if u cant control the temps.
Hope things work out for ya :cool: If u keep anything look into treatments for those flys.
Happy Saturday! Take this as just an observation from an outsider. I would probably nuke the grow unless you make like a topical or something for pain but I wouldn't invest anymore time in it to be blunt.

My main thing is yes, clean the crap out of the tent and start over but no offense to your buddy maybe don't have him as the caregiver unless you think he will be more invested in a new grow but I would check in a lot more. Things can change pretty quick but as others have said some of the issues have been there a while. So I get the drive is not ideal but I would consider other options for the next grow. Maybe that's harsh just wanted to put the idea out there
Plants need water in flower every day. And what’s the heat like in there.

they do not need water every day,, they just should not dry out like in veg
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