Help with deficiency and extremely slow and small buds


Well-Known Member
I have a blueberry and a purple kush both inflower both the same age and one is doing really well it just has some yellowing and I want to make sure she's ok. And the others buds are extremely small and slowly growing no where near the size of the other.

600watt hps
40 RH
Carbon filter air out
80 to 81 lights on 9 or so less off
Cyco nutriants but Ive been giving just clean PhD water


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Cyco nutriants but Ive been giving just clean PhD water

Seems like,since they're both flowering,it'd be time for more than just ph'd water...

Why aren't you using nutes at this stage?
Were you feeding at full strength?
I'm not familiar with the Cyco Nutrients,but what do they recommend?
Maybe try an even weaker mixture-they're going to need something pretty soon
to get those buds in gear.
40% RH is kind of low too right?
These are the charts I go by. Ones a bit more fine tuned.


Brew up a good batch of Compost Tea, or find a good dry Bloom/Flower/Bud nutrient for the top of the soil, then water with spring water - RO, mixed with URB or something to stimulate the ecosystem down under. Follow @Emilya water process in my signature.

Maybe try a different set of nutes all together if you prefer liquid form.
I’m really starting to see the benefits of working with natural and/or self made nutrients. It’s a PITA, but I don’t have nute issues. *knock on wood*
Can i just point out that we currently have zero idea what the media is.
Stop jumping the gun guys.
He might be using whatevet nutrient but I just double checked and there is no mention of the media.
Is it soil?
Is it organic?
Is it Coco?
Is it soiless ?
All have completely different causes, effects and symptoms.

What I do to coco plants would kill a soil grower in days.

What a soil grower would do to my hydro plants would kill them in days.

Can we please accertain what exactly it is we're dealing with here before spouting off random conclusions please.

It's a bit passive agressive yes I know. But I've had a rough night and needed something to distract me .
I'm still right though so winner winner, chicken vindaloo pizza for dinner :) :)
Can i just point out that we currently have zero idea what the media is.
Stop jumping the gun guys.
He might be using whatevet nutrient but I just double checked and there is no mention of the media.
Is it soil?
Is it organic?
Is it Coco?
Is it soiless ?
All have completely different causes, effects and symptoms.

What I do to coco plants would kill a soil grower in days.

What a soil grower would do to my hydro plants would kill them in days.

Can we please accertain what exactly it is we're dealing with here before spouting off random conclusions please.

It's a bit passive agressive yes I know. But I've had a rough night and needed something to distract me .
I'm still right though so winner winner, chicken vindaloo pizza for dinner :):)
Makes sense. Pic 5 made it look like soil. Regardless RH is low.

Enjoy your pizza brother!
Maybe try an even weaker mixture-they're going to need something pretty soon
to get those buds in gear.
I gave a 10 percent strength mix like 3 or 4 days ago I'll try something a tad bit more next time and just make sure to watch out for any sign of tox
Yeah, I’m bad about answering questions without looking at folks journals.
The first thing that stuck out was your RH/Temp ratio. That’s a good sized plant.
At 80F, you should be between 85/65% according to the VPD chart. That’s mine right now.
(Top Temp)
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