Help! This does not look good!


Well-Known Member
I just noticed this, and I've been looking pretty close at the plants lately. Either it happened really quick, or I missed it over the last few days.

I've stopped using CaliMagic and I'm using GH Flora at the flower stage [more bloom, less gro]. Not much else has changed.

Haven't got a PPM meter yet so I don't know if there's salt build up or what.

Check my grow journal in my signature for other pics, but basically they look REAL healthy, just a few brown tips and then these leave...



Looks like a regular old light burn to me. Is it possible that leaf was really close to your light?

Thanks for the view!

I really wish I could say 100% no. But I can only say 90% no and that's a bit of a WAG [Wild Azz Guess].

It's on several leaves at several spots, and the one most affected was close to the inner/center part where I have no lights setup there for several days.

I have no more low/middle level lights, so I'm going to count every affected leaf and see if any new leaves become burned.

I could be wrong, this could be a simple light burn, I actually hope it is that simple.
Here's a few more...

This one shows the leaf and how far in it is, I can't see how it can burn and not burn the ones near it. It's kinda far into the bush.

here's the leaves I've cut that were damaged, I left one to see what happens to it, also a bunch of brown tips, but I don't know if that's related.

Another shot of the damage, notice the spots on one side and the damaged edge on the other side.

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