Help nutrient deficiency

Mr woopie

Well-Known Member
Hi guys these plants are clones off my gg#4 which is doing great. As you will see there is strong yellowing running down the veins before moving to the outer edge. I assumed it's potassium deficiency? But these girls are in exactly the same soul and water as my main plant only thing that's changed is the weather has got colder at night but again main mother plant is doing great (in flower ATM) I need some one that is sure of what this is before they all go toes up


Need more info to be able to better help. What do you feed her at what concentration and how often?

There's very little reason to spray the leaves in flower. It might retratct some pistils early if you're unlucky. Use a humidifier to add humidity to your grow in flower if needed.

First impression is nutrient excess but without more info it's just a guessing game.

Hi Wastei
Plants are on chicken poop only, as I said they are in exactly the same soul as mother plant that is doing great.
Water was only from the watering cycle.
Hi Wastei
Plants are on chicken poop only, as I said they are in exactly the same soul as mother plant that is doing great.
Water was only from the watering cycle.
How's the environment? You mentioned it gotten colder but without stating any numbers?

Anything below 80F will start causing problems running organics.
The temp drop would cause this ? Just asking as it's out of my control as we are in winter here
Lower temps will cause all sorts of problems running organics. It's a tropical plant that needs higher temps and humidity to flourish in their natural habitat.

You will get away with lower temps running salts and hydro since the nutrients are already in readily available form and you don't need the laws of thermodynamics in the same sense to speed up the break up process and make nutrient available for uptake.
Cooler temps interfere with phosphorus (P) uptake leading to the pretty colors you see there. Some growers deliberately lower their temps to get the colors but, since it's a sign of deficiency, I've never understood that practice.
Many thanks I have a heat mat on place now, I will keep you all in the loop
What's in the soil mix? Like what did it say on the bag? Is it happy frog or similar peat based product? It might already be amended with things like lime and other amendmendts?

If the only amendment is chicken manure you might consider and benefit of adding some Epsom salt to your watering since chicken manure has very high concentration of Ca compared to Mg. Adding more Mg will also make P more available to the the plant to uptake.

Something like 0.5g Epsom per gallon of water should do the trick!

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