Help! Mold all over


New Member
Great Grow Gods,

I have been growing in my bathroom and everything has been fine until crop #4, just one thing after another. Now I got mold all over shade leaves and some leaves where the mold has made it's way down to mix in with the crystals on my buds!!! What can I do besides move them out side in a mesh tent so they will stay drier and I clipped off everything i could that had mold on it, but of course as you clip you see spores go into the air and you know it's spreading. A terrible catch 22, what can I do??? :cough:
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

I have recently heard of using Lemon Juice to get rid of Powdery Mildew... there are also some products on the market that are supposed to work, I haven't needed any.
If they are not in flower/bud, you can use sulpher smoke to take care of the powder... if they are in flower... forget that.
I would wait for more info as I have never used chems... good luck!
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

Mold (budrot), powdery mildew or downy mildew?

You could try one of the site's sponsors,


for mildew and rot- get the humidity down, below 45% or lower and wash the ENTIRE grow room with bleach.

for PM/DM- Some use sulfur burners, but it can kill plants if done wrong and some says it leaves a residual taste. for minor bouts, some swear by milk and water or baking soda and water spray.

Keep clippers sterile, wear grow room only clothes.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

Powdery, came back from touring :theband: and system was left on drip watering for 1st time. Moldy spots on 99.9 shade leaves and a few bud leaves. Some when clipped spewed their nasty little spores in the air getting on more of the plant. But I was told by my buddy at the local hydro shop to clip off anything that had mold on it and he'd stop by tonight after he gets off. Well I did and there is very little left on the plants besides buds.
I got them all outside in a mesh tent and it was nutrient feeding day so I added supper thrive to the mix due to the stress of losing so many leaves. I hope these instructions I followed were O.K.
I read about SNS-244 but it says not to spray on buds and thats all thats left at this point. Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks OldSchooler And SnowBender You always seem to be there for me! By the way SnowBender my mutant clones are doing very well, looks like the Blue Venom might be preserved... knock on wood.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

As a last ditch effort, I have used a sulphur burner late in flower with good results. No one, including myself, could taste it later.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

As a last ditch effort, I have used a sulphur burner late in flower with good results. No one, including myself, could taste it later.
Now that is something worth noting... I would be scared to death to try it w/buds on the plants. I wonder is there are any others who have successfully done a sulphide burn in late flower?
I recently was told that you can use lemon juice to treat powdery mildew but, I have not had a reason to try it.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

Now that is something worth noting... I would be scared to death to try it w/buds on the plants. I wonder is there are any others who have successfully done a sulphide burn in late flower?

I was at the point that if I didn't make some headway against it, I was gonna lose the crop. I was surprised how well it worked.

If I had burned sulphur when I first noticed the pm, I wouldn't have been in that predicament...:)
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

Google 'DIY sulfur burner pet store'.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

Im thinking those bbq briquette starter flumes would be the ideal off the shelf counterpart to the lizard warmer element. ~$9 sears.

one of the other diy burners just uses a 100watt green flood lamp for heat instead of lizard heater... ~5-9$
I Use a spray or 100% whole milk. Yes Whole Milk and it works.
Re: Help!!! MOLD all over...

As a last ditch effort, I have used a sulphur burner late in flower with good results. No one, including myself, could taste it later.

A friend also noted this, less than a week from chop.

The closest to harvest I've done a burn is 2 weeks. No residual taste from that.

A sulfur burner/vaporizer is your best bet.

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