Help Me With My Plant - What is wrong?


420 Member
Hi I have grown weed a couple of years now, but I have never had this happend to me, have I over fed the plant?
The spots are brownish, they are a little bit more brown in real, the picture wasn`t the best, but I have only found this spots on just one leaf, they are in week 2 flowering, thanks for any help pls.
OH dident my link work, here is it again and thanks for the help with the upload.

Now when you can see it do you know what is wrong?
To help you guys i got some more info from the same plant, i have noticed this yellow tips, and a smal down curle something to be worried about? Not the pest pic, but try to se the yellow tips, thanks for any help.
It looks like 'N' is OK to me - not toxic. If you think it is, try flushing her with 3 times the water the pot holds.
This may be me projecting some of my recent problems, but I'll say it looks more like a pest situation than a nutrient problem. Worth a check since it is easy and won't hurt anything.
How can i check and be sure that its pest problem then? :O

Hopefully you have some magnification available. Look over one of the affected leaves very carefully. Some pests are REALLY small. I use a 60X scope to see mites. Always look at both sides of the leaf since most bugs like to hang out on the bottom side. Look for bugs, eggs, poop, and "honeydew". If you don't have a good 30x - 60X magnifier, a decent camera can work well. Zoom way in and see what you see...
Well i checkt now dident see anything on the front side of the leafe but on the back side a saw 5-7 white balls, loked lite the tip of thricoms, can that be the eggs? and if how can i fix it? :O
I'd start spraying. Many bugs need multiple treatments because what is effective on adults, won't do anything to eggs, etc. Spray about three days apart, at least three times.
I'm not positive what you're seeing are eggs. It could be "honeydew" the little bastards secrete.
If the plant can afford the defoliation, I guess it is OK. The multiple sprays are exactly for this reason - to get the bugs during their various life stages.
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