Help me, What's the Problem with my Cannabis?


New Member
Hello everybody, fist time posting in here, hope everybody help me
i dont know exactly problem with my canabis, you can see in pic i attacked :(
She is about 1 week age
My growbox temp is 35*C :(
Re: Helpme, i dont know exactly problem with my canabis

Hello everybody, fist time posting in here, hope everybody help me
i dont know exactly problem with my canabis, you can see in pic i attacked :(
She is about 1 week age
My growbox temp is 35*C :(

you should give some more infos:
what strain is it
indoor or outdoor
kind of light and wattage
which soil
how often you water
did you feed it with nutes? how much?
do you have any ventilation?
and bla bla bla..

My advice is to lower the temp, 35°C is too hot for a young plant (30°C seem to be the hightest temp to have good results).
I see something similar on the foliage when the fan blows the air directly on the plant because the air dries it out.

It may be something completely different, but first of all take down the temp and provide a good ventilation, not directed to the plant if possible!
Thankyou everybody!And big thank to mr What, you told exactly my problem, i think too. This is strain Thailand Wild Ryder Auto and soil is nutrien soil + perlite only. I will cure this my plant with advisory of you, big thanks again!
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