Help! Light on extra hour in dark

My timer didn’t go off and they had an extra hour of dark. Will this harm them?
It will allow an extra hour's worth of the plant's hormone that promotes flowering. Sort of why some photo-period growers will set their timers so that there is more than 12 hours of dark out of every 24 hour period. Example is they will have 13 hours of dark and 11 hours of lights on.

... timer didn’t go off and they had an extra hour of dark ...
The bigger question is why did the time not turn off. I figure that with an analog or mechanical timers it is an operator error. With digital timers I have noticed that something like that is more of a glitch in the system or Matrix. I just set the timer back to factory and start over by resetting the on & off times.
I have found that the analog or mechanical timers to be more stable than the digital in the long run. The timers for the aquarium lights have lasted for 10 years before I accidentally broke them. Digital costs more to buy and do not seem to last as long.
I left lights on for more than 24 hours during flower, a huge no no.... I bumped my light timer switch to always on. Everything turned out just fine. No hermies, no reveg, no problems at all...

One extra hour of dark is nothing to worry about at all if you ask me.
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