Help! Is This A Male Plant?


Well-Known Member
I have a Chemo Kush plant growing, it’s still young and is in veg stage but I have a sneaky suspicion that it a might be a male. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Yes,it's a boy...definitely

so sorry-it's a bummer...
Looks like one.
Darn I thought so, ahh so sad I was very excited about this plant. I had it in a room with some flowering Northern Lights Auto and it was making me nervous. Thank you for the insight :thanks:
Yes,it's a boy...definitely

so sorry-it's a bummer...
Ahh yes a big bummer indeed. I was very excited about this plant. I had it in with some other plants and it was starting to make me nervous so we removed it today and stuck it outside. Thank you for your insight :thanks:
Its a male destroy it
Aww the poor little fella. I think I may keep him outside and grow him as just a normal ole plant. I love the look of marijuana plants and it always breaks my heart when we have to chop them down, now don’t get me wrong I love smoking what I get off of them but I just hate killing the plant lol
If going outside, Hopefully nobody is growing anywhere near you
If going outside, Hopefully nobody is growing anywhere near you
As far as I know there isn’t, at least outside that is. I’ve lived on my street for over 14 years and know everyone and who grows has all year round set ups inside. We’re a very close street everyone literally talks to everyone. And the only other houses that are close by are separated by a river and forest belt. I’ve recently walked along the trail that runs behind those houses and didn’t notice anyone growing in their backyards over there. Now I’m not claiming to of seen everyone’s backyards across the river way as the trail doesn’t run behind everyone’s place but I think they’re all far enough away even if they were he should be safe. How far does pollen travel? I just was more so interested in seeing how it grows but if you think I might be like potentially harming someone’s crop I could do away with him.
How far does the wind take the dust? Miles...
That was sexable over a week ago try to catch them sooner.
I’ve just never had one before and those little balls seemed to just spring out of nowhere. I literally just noticed them. I’ll have to be more careful and keep a closer eye next time :thanks:
I have a Chemo Kush plant growing, it’s still young and is in veg stage but I have a sneaky suspicion that it a might be a male. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
You can always grow It, crush up the pollen sacks, and use them for pollinating your females so you can get seeds. Instead of buying new seeds you can use the seeds from your female plants.
Yes It's a male. I would grow It regardless. You may need some seeds eventually. Grow the plant, after It's done growing at It's fully mature state, try growing one sole feminized plant, and pollinate It with the crushed up pollen sacks. You will get seeds, and those seeds will be crossed. Pollination can also make your marijuana stronger after many crossings. This is how It's done. You pollinate one plant, then you get seeds from It, after harvest, you plant THAT seed, wait for the plant to mature, then pollinate again. The strains can be any of your preference. After many pollinations, and plants, (You will get seeds the whole way), the seeds from the new plants will be stronger than the 1st original plants that you began growing. You then spray the seeds with colloidal silver, and that's how you get the feminized seeds that you buy from online seed banks. Crossing Is beneficial for many reasons. The two main reasons are to, produce stronger marijuana plants, and create certian strains. Hope that helps you out.
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