Help identifying bugs


420 Member
I came home from a couple weeks away to check on my plants and one of them looks like it’s got a ton of bugs.

The dead ones are all white and over the buds and the live ones are all crawling around.

Any ideas what they could be?

These are outdoor in soil. There’s a few spiders feasting on them.

Not too sure what the next step is on these. Maybe hit them with some peppermint or something and see if it scares them off.

Open to any suggestions tho. This is my first grow so not super worried about how this one turns out so long as I learn for the next time around.
Our sponsors have some good products to combat pests, but seems to me the first step is identifying what you have.

Maybe @Bill284 @StoneOtter @bluter will be able to identify them.
Morning Azi :ciao:
I tried to look at this yesterday :Namaste:
I still can’t get the video to play.
But it’s a large insect like a springtail or something? From the pic?
Regardless of it’s lineage we need to kill it, right?
Neem oil/ bug spray/ SNS/ soap anything like that available to you OP?
Mosquitoe dunks if they are in the soil?
Have you sprayed with anything?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It looks like two different insects. The little dark colored ones crawling around and the larger white ones just laying there. Maybe the "dead" ones are what is left over after the pupae matured and left the white body behind and became the little dark colored bugs. But, I do believe that they are two different insects.

I was going to suggest that maybe a photo or two will help but bluter beat me to it. Zoom in or move closer but be sure the photo is in focus. Out of focus photo will not help and maybe lead to a wrong identity.

These are outdoor in soil. There’s a few spiders feasting on them.
Getting suggestions on what the insects are, and more importantly what to do about it, will be easier if you mention whether the plants are in the ground or if they are in a pot of soil.

So far it is not an emergency if the spiders are feasting on them. Maybe let nature run its course. Lot safer and cheaper than rushing out to find an organic or chemical cure.

But it’s a large insect like a springtail or something? From the pic?
Regardless of it’s lineage we need to kill it, right?
I had thought springtails looking at the picture of the video link. If it is springtails they are not dangerous to the plants or the roots or the soil. So a neutral insect to maybe beneficial according to some growers in the group. Plus if they are springtails and the plants are in an organic/compost base soil the presence might be saying that the soil is getting to much water.

Being wrong on the type of insect can mean killing off beneficial insects or killing off predators that would be taking care of the current pest and possibly another one in the near future. I am thinking of the people who have posted here asking for help after they killed off predators or pollinators because it was easier to kill everything than it was to spend a bit of time identifying the bug.
You first question should be are they harming the plant? If you are in flower, you want to be careful with any treatments. You don't want to make the bud unsmokable in the process of "saving" it with pesticides or neem. Any essential oil soap and water should reduce the numbers to an acceptable level. Lemon, mint, rosemary, add the seasoning that sounds good to smoke. The water and soap alone will repel most of the bugs.
This is about the best I can do with my iPhone. I might have to break out the tripod and zoom lens if it’s still too small to see. These things are tiny!

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