Help! I topped my plants wrong during veg!


Active Member
Help! I need to know if these branches will grow back or if not what to do about it! This is my first time growing and these are fairly new plants and I'm kinda learning by error and online research at this point so any advice is helpful!


Welcome to 420 @spacase1997

Not sure what you've done there but yeah, doesn't look good
However, if the roots are happy and you watering properly, you should still see new growth from the nodes within a week or so
Help! I need to know if these branches will grow back or if not what to do about it! This is my first time growing and these are fairly new plants and I'm kinda learning by error and online research at this point so any advice is helpful!


Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:
Anything you remove won’t grow back.
Branches that are still there will produce more branches as they grow.
It’ll take more veg time though.
Unfortunately what ever shape you were trying to achieve is lost.
Lst or bending branches over is an easier way to train your girl next time.
Do you have any pics in natural light?
The whole plant?
Maby we can make a suggestion.
If you want to meet everyone and say hi here is a link.
Hope you stay for a while.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 @spacase1997

Not sure what you've done there but yeah, doesn't look good
However, if the roots are happy and you watering properly, you should still see new growth from the nodes within a week or so
Well I accidentally chopped off that top one and the other broke off so wasn't intentionally trying to make it that way
This is my first time growing and these are fairly new plants and I'm kinda learning by error and online research at this point so any advice is helpful!
Yeah, you're way better off here than winging it on your own as there's lots of helpful growers happy to offer advice for the asking. But ask before you chop next time. :laughtwo:

Assuming those are photoperiod plants and not auto flowers, we can get you sorted. Maybe start a grow journal and you'll attract followers that can give you guidance each step of the way. Honestly that's the fastest way to learn as the knowledge on this site is incredible.

On new growth you'll see a growth node along with a fan leaf and typically we top the main stem just above a growth node to make that growth point start to grow. It looks like you've removed that growth node.

But, as Bill said, keep watering and feeding it and there should be new growth points that develop and then we can walk you through where to cut and bend.

Welcome to 420 Mag. You've found the right place to accelerate your learning curve.
So what kind of deficiency do you think Is going on? It's looking kinda weird if you ask me 🤣🤣



Can’t tell the color with the blurple lighting.
Odd wrinkles can be a ph issue if that’s what you are referring too?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I've been feeding the same nutrients I have the entire time i got some azomite to put into her to try and narrow it down. So but roots organic terp tea and roots organic uprising grow
I've been feeding the same nutrients I have the entire time i got some azomite to put into her to try and narrow it down. So but roots organic terp tea and roots organic uprising grow
How much uprising grow did you use?
How did you apply it?
Do you know your ph off hand?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My ph is around 6.2 or 6.8 and I'm using the coco loco so it's fine to have it around that ph level from ehat I understand! And the last time I fed them I fed then 2 tsp of terp tea on the 29th. The last time I gave the the uprising was on the 22nd and I used 1/2 a tsp. I applied both directly to the top soil and then watered with a half gallon with the 3 gallon pots and watered till there was runoff.
I might try and follow their directions more closely.
Both volume and frequency of use. :Namaste:
I think I’m coco loco they recommend between 5.8-6.3 ph.
But your not far off.
Are you letting it dry in between water/feed?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Unless I've read it wrong 😅😅 which very well could be a thing
It is kind of confusing.
With the recommendation to half the amount if both are used.
Ambiguous at best.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So not gonna lie so ehat your saying is I should have not halfed the nuets? Or did I use to much in your opinion? Lol
So not gonna lie so ehat your saying is I should have not halfed the nuets? Or did I use to much in your opinion? Lol
It's a half dose I believe :Namaste:
The instructions were vague.
Try a full dose according to the schedule and see how she reacts.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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