I made my first grow room in my closet its inside of a aquarium that I turned on its side so that I can use the slide top as a door its all covered in foil inside I didn't have the money to buy my own reflective material the plants seem to be doing fine I only have two plants one of them has lots of little yellow gold shiny spots it looks like its dripped on to the leafs and some are clawing down and some leaves are going crooked only on one of the plants on the other it looks perfectly fine its growing fine only some yellow spots on the leafs but not as bad as the other and I can tell from the stem thickness and over all plant look that the sick one is stunted im not sure what to do they are only about 4 weeks old I don't know the strain im using eco earth as my soil medium and I also know I don't have the nutrients I need I have compost tea that im not sure im making right please help im new to this and would love to have nice big healthy plants