Help bleeding plant


New Member
I posted this in my grow journal, but I'm going to post it here as well to try and get some help.

"Well here is the really really odd part, the plant with the purple fan leaf stems just bled purple.... Yea, after topping it I noticed it was really dark almost black. So I put on my gloves and gave the top a touch, and yes it was indeed purple liquid not black, but purple, the leafs are nice and green so i was stumped. Never in my life have I heard of this, I have been looking everywhere online for an answer to no avail, so has anyone else had this happen? The other 3 i topped were green/clear as normal. Man I hope there isn't something wrong with this plant..."

"Ok here we go proof of the bleeding plant.


It's purple like that until i wipe it off, then the stalk is green like the other plants. Then I can watch purple liquid slowly fill the top until it looks like the above again.

Here is the tissue after touching the top:


Sorry my camera has crappy close up focus :(

My wife commented that the purple ooze smelled really really strong of pot, it fills the room rather quickly..."

Sorry I cut this as i posted it in my journal. Any and all help is very much appreciated, I'm just worried this might be the sign of a fungal type infection. If you need anymore info about the plant in question just ask.
Re: Help bleeding plant.

I saw this before but it did nothing adverse to the growth it just sort of scabbed over like sap. If you use nutrients that have heavy food dye it can transfer through the plant as well.
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