New Member
Up until yesterday afternoon, I had three extremely healthy, organically grown plants in the vegetative state. They are on a 24hr light cycle right now in a well ventilated space with a light breezy fan. At around 7am, yesterday I watered all three (I use a spray bottle so as to not over-water them) and by the afternoon, my most gorgeous plant started to get droopy. It looks like dehydration but I also don't want to over-water them because I read that over-watering is a common downfall to first time growers. Please help! I don't want this one to die! I might be overreacting but it looks worse today than it did yesterday. Also- if anyone can confirm the sex of the second pictured plant, that would be great. It has a lot of little buds of pollen so I'm assuming it is male because the other two plants have white stamen.