

420 Member
I am interested in learning more about cooking with weed. The recipes I have but I want to get better at the base stuff. I made my first weed brownies in the 70s. A Duncan Hine Brownie Mix (or some brand) and a bag of week. Ground weed, seeds and all, in blender, it was pretty rough and mixed in in the mix. I cooked according to box, brief cool down, burned tongue and into me. The texture and taste was interesting but the results were great. Gotten better. Doing the decarb stuff. Making butter and tincture. Did the wax but I found it doesn't cook well!
Hope to find ways to remove the foul taste in the tincture and improve the butter/oil. At the same time I have found several areas here that will require further reading.
See y'all, Razzoo

There are several threads there that have cooking with cannabis. @newty and @Preston9mm and @SweetSue

I have found that butter and oil are good mediums because most people cook with them anyway. I've also found that searching for a complimentary taste profile is important. Cannabis ice cream...not so much. Cannabis fennel shortbread cookies....hell yeah. Anything that is savory or uses other hearty herbs (rosemary, thyme, fennel seed, etc) melds with the taste of the cannabis imo.

I am interested in learning more about cooking with weed. The recipes I have but I want to get better at the base stuff. I made my first weed brownies in the 70s. A Duncan Hine Brownie Mix (or some brand) and a bag of week. Ground weed, seeds and all, in blender, it was pretty rough and mixed in in the mix. I cooked according to box, brief cool down, burned tongue and into me. The texture and taste was interesting but the results were great. Gotten better. Doing the decarb stuff. Making butter and tincture. Did the wax but I found it doesn't cook well!
Hope to find ways to remove the foul taste in the tincture and improve the butter/oil. At the same time I have found several areas here that will require further reading.
See y'all, Razzoo


Welcome! :welcome:

You can use infused butter/oil to cook with just about anything that has butter or oil in the recipe - and many things that don't! The keys to success are to do a good de-carb on the buds first and to never cook above approximately 325* F, since over that temp will vaporize the THC. If the recipe calls for higher temps, just adjust the temps down and cook longer. Also, you can add some liquid soy lecithin to increase the bio-availability and make the end product more potent. Have fun experimenting! I've used infused butter/oil in a variety of baked goods, chocolates & candies, rice/pasta, mac & cheese, dressings, put on pancakes/waffles, add to smoothies (coconut recommended!), etc.

Just be conscious of the dosing! ;)
I don’t know about that K. I bake my BioBomb Brownies at 350° F and I don’t think I’ve noticed any diminishing of the THC punch.

:welcome: drrazzo. :hug: As you can see you’ve entered a neighborhood that loves to cook with cannabis. We have a sub forum devoted to this delightful pastime.

Cannabis Edibles

Not a fan of canna butter myself, mostly because I prefer coconut for the flavor.

It’s good to meet another canna cook and I look forward to getting to know you better. We’ve come up with a couple twists for making the oils more bioavailable that you may find interesting.

May I ask, do you use cannabis as medicine, and if so, for what condition and how do you administer. I’m learning all I can about personal regimens and every bit of input helps.
:welcome:, to 420! I don't know anything about making good flavored edibles.
The brownies I made in the seventies worked okay, but tasted terrible.
If ya'll don't mind, I'd like to pull up a big big chair and just go for the ride with you good folks and learn how to improve myself.
Welcome again and you came to the right place!

Wick :popcorn:
Welcome raz! You already have some great advice coming your way. Here is a link to @Bonsaiweed s thread with recipes and infusions. Check it out Here
Also if you are looking to purchase tools to assist with the process you may want to look at one of our sponsors MagicalButter. And always feel free to ask questions along the way. Lots of smarts floatin round here!
Welcome raz! You already have some great advice coming your way. Here is a link to @Bonsaiweed s thread with recipes and infusions. Check it out Here
Also if you are looking to purchase tools to assist with the process you may want to look at one of our sponsors MagicalButter. And always feel free to ask questions along the way. Lots of smarts floatin round here!
Hey thanks for promoting the thread Mr. Magoo......... (+10,000 rep) :thumb:
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