

New Member
Hello I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is christian and I have started my own online head shop selling, grinders, pipes, bubblers, etc. I love the support marijuana has seen in the last few years so i decided to join this forum to get to know everyone a little better.
I'm 18 years old
I'm a Male
I love pizza and chicken:tokin:
My favorite animal is a tiger.
lastly i love to build things and diy projuect and also own a online headshop:high-five:
hey wassup welcome to :420:

are u a site sponsor or are u looking to become one?
we are loyal to our sponsors ..
Hello Christian :welcome::420:
Thank you for all your messages of welcome, i support lealizaion and see it as a better alternarive to alcohol. I hope to become a sponcer and to hopefully grow my business with this site and community.
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