

New Member
Hi everyone,

I've spent a couple of days browsing the forum and decided to join. This place has the greatest wealth of knowledge I've ever seen.

I'm a medical user. I wrecked a motorcycle 6.5 years ago and ended up paralyzed from the chest down and ended up with lasting nerve pain in my lower extremities and spastic contractions in my legs. I have the choice of doping myself stupid on vicodin or smoking up to releave it.As i'm posing here you can guess which I choose to do.

I've also decided to start growing my own here shortly. I'm collecting supplies to get this started. I live with my uncle who is looking at getting his card as he deals with chronic insomnia and hip pain so legally we will be able to have 12 adults and 12 juveniles in our area of california. (i've heard rumors that a recent ruling has removed these limits but I'm still researching to make sure we stay legal. Thats actually how I found this place but ended up reading for the journals and tips/instructions.

It looks like you have an incredible community of positive people here so I feel comfortable asking questions as they arise. So when I get started I'll make sure to start a journal. I love photography and everyone here loves pot porn so I think it will work out well.

FknRa, We are all glad you found 420! It truly is a very special place. Good Luck on your first grow and don't forget to start a Grow Journal so we can all share in your growing experience. Everyone here is very friendly and there is a large group of grow experts who will help you along your way.. The first grow is the toughest but the good news is that it gets easier once you figure it all out.... Hope to see you out there my friend!
Hi FknRa, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums. I have totaled a Motorcycle too. You were hurt more than I was. Jan. 10, 2010 The California Supreme courts have ruled unconstitutional to put limits on the quantity of medical marijauna a patient can posess. That's a good thing. Ok, we have some 420 contests going we would like you to vote in,
420 Magazine's Nug of the Year: 2009
420 Magazine's Plant of the Year: 2009
Info on how to grow your own meds.
How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine
Questions? Please ask someone in the Hospitality team. Again thanks for joining us. :peace:
Hello there FknRa, How are your plans of your grow going? :yummy:
Can we help you find any information here on 420?
Please continue to visit and to get to know us all here.
Hoping you only the Greenest Regards.
Will be looking for more from you in the forums! :peace:
:bongrip: :welcome:
Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading up quite a bit on the how to section and reading through the completed grow logs as well:nomo:.


I've been laying out an outline for myself to get prepared. And writing up a list of supplies that I'll need to get started. In the next few weeks I'll be building a 4x4x4 cabinet for starting the plants and a 4x8x8 for veg and flower. I've decided to start with CFL due to initial cost (hopefully to be recouped by selling the overgrow to local dispensaries). I'm thinking I'll start with a simple Bubble system. (I'm kindof a science/engineering geek :hmmmm: so I like to control as many variables as I can) I already have a window ac unit and a small portable heater to maintain temperature. I'm going to start with 6 plants to get the feel for how everything runs and go from there. The engineer part of me is looking at scalability and ease of turnover so I'm looking to have everything just kind of move from left to right as they mature and filling in with new stock.

I know, kinda ambitious but hey that's me. I never did anything halfway. Once everything is purchased and layed out I'll make sure to start a log and update daily as this place seems to excel at problemsolving and helping the newguy out.

Honestly out of all the places I've been looking this one seems to be the most put-together and drama free. (I hate drama) So wish me luck and I'll lurk around till I can get it all started :)
I have found There's enough drama in growing the plants the full distance... LOL!
I just isn't as easy as it seems....

reps++ to you brother for the drama...
Well I am sorry about your accident but very glad you are here. Their is such a vast array of knowledge here that I don't know if I will ever get through all of it but I am totally enjoying what I have been able to get through on here. This place Rocks!
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