Hello! New to posting, not too new to the site


New Member
Hiya! I've been coming here for grow advice/help, and to watch (& hopefully learn from the pros), for a while, but only just got to making a profile.

I am a MMJ patient in the beautiful state of Oregon, I use medical cannabis to treat daily nausea/intestinal pain, and have found it works wonders for my depression and anxiety as well. I recently relocated to Oregon in the beginning of 2012, from my home state, where the Medical Marijuana law is fledgling and pursuing my dreams to grow and provide medicine wasn't a tangible reality.

I don't want to bore you to death with my life story so I'll try to keep it short(ish). I've had a few years on and off experience growing on a personal/hobby level (trying to produce my own medicine, if you can call that a hobby garden?), with mixed results. I haven't grown since my last move, but am getting everything rolling again to be up and running soon. I have a 300 sq foot shed at my disposal, which has been my project the last weeks, so y'all should be seeing my first journal pretty soon here (fingers crossed)

Anyways it's been a great pleasure (and help) observing 420magazine from afar, now I'm really looking forward to sharing my journey to being a better grower with all of you!

Hi RadarMan420.

Welcome to 420 Magazine. I'm glad to hear you've found benefit from the site and community, and I'm glad to hear that your going to begin growing again.

I'll definately be watching for a journal from you and will be sure to follow along.
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