Hello - I'm new here


420 Member
Hello 420 friends. I am new to growing and will be looking for some advice. Im from Virginia where im allowed to grow 4 plants so im taking the dive. I have 4 outside atm that is going ok i guess. I am going to start an indoor grow once weather forces me inside. I am looking at using a space of 2x4x5 or around there. I have some questions but the site says i have insufficient privaleges to do so. If someone could point me to some threads that would be useful that would be great. My current interest is sorting out the lighting. I am interested in a diy cob light build. An itemized step by step thread would be nice as i can follow directions pretty good. However, if one could point me in the right direction for an affordable premade light that would be nice as well. Then i can compare. I dont need the most fancy or name brand light, just something that will get the job done. Thanks in advance and i look forward to picking yalls brains! Oh and i intend on growing mainly Autos.
Welcome to the forum @DrGreen420 :welcome: I'm from VA as well. 2x4x5 might be a little tight for 4 plants, I'm growing 4 plants in a 48x48x80 (photos, not autos). Check out my signature line for a link to our sponsors, you'll find some great lights. Good luck and I look forward to following your grows.
Hello 420 friends. I am new to growing and will be looking for some advice. Im from Virginia where im allowed to grow 4 plants so im taking the dive. I have 4 outside atm that is going ok i guess. I am going to start an indoor grow once weather forces me inside. I am looking at using a space of 2x4x5 or around there. I have some questions but the site says i have insufficient privaleges to do so. If someone could point me to some threads that would be useful that would be great. My current interest is sorting out the lighting. I am interested in a diy cob light build. An itemized step by step thread would be nice as i can follow directions pretty good. However, if one could point me in the right direction for an affordable premade light that would be nice as well. Then i can compare. I dont need the most fancy or name brand light, just something that will get the job done. Thanks in advance and i look forward to picking yalls brains! Oh and i intend on growing mainly Autos.

:welcome: to the community, DrGreen.

We have a forum for do it yourself projects, where you might be able to find what you're looking for there.

If you need help finding anything else, let me know and I will do what I can to help find it for you.
Welcome to 420magazine @DrGreen420 . We recommend using led grow lights in the summer for less heat and faster heat dissipation. If it's within your budget, I recommend the Mars Hydro FC-E4800 for seed to harvest light needs.
Hello 420 friends. I am new to growing and will be looking for some advice. Im from Virginia where im allowed to grow 4 plants so im taking the dive. I have 4 outside atm that is going ok i guess. I am going to start an indoor grow once weather forces me inside. I am looking at using a space of 2x4x5 or around there. I have some questions but the site says i have insufficient privaleges to do so. If someone could point me to some threads that would be useful that would be great. My current interest is sorting out the lighting. I am interested in a diy cob light build. An itemized step by step thread would be nice as i can follow directions pretty good. However, if one could point me in the right direction for an affordable premade light that would be nice as well. Then i can compare. I dont need the most fancy or name brand light, just something that will get the job done. Thanks in advance and i look forward to picking yalls brains! Oh and i intend on growing mainly Autos.
Welcome to 420magazine my friend. :welcome:

Stay safe :cool:
Welcome to 420 Magazine @DrGreen420

Are you a doctor?
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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
No. Im not a doctor. Lol...just an attempt at a witty callsign (Cypress Hill) I have never grown herb berfore. I do have vegetable/flower gardens at my home. I am currently growing 4 outdoor herb plants for this summer. 1 white widow (photo), 1 Afghan Auto, 1 SMAN Strawberry cheescake 2 Auto and the 4th one escapes me atm. Im looking to learn about building and maintaing an indoor grow.
It will grow for you but I think if you can wait and afford another couple hundred watts you'll be way happier for years to come. Light is worth waiting for in my opinion.

With that said, you have to do what's right for you. It'll be the difference between perfect light in every spot of the tent, and perfect light in the middle and less so around the edges. Picking nits? Maybe, but it's your tent for the duration.
It will grow for you but I think if you can wait and afford another couple hundred watts you'll be way happier for years to come. Light is worth waiting for in my opinion.

With that said, you have to do what's right for you. It'll be the difference between perfect light in every spot of the tent, and perfect light in the middle and less so around the edges. Picking nits? Maybe, but it's your tent for the duration.
Thanks. I will likely keep looking then. Will the mars hydro fc e4800 keep me and the girls happy or will it leave me wanting more?
I don't know of any growers who used the Mini Sun-2 but a couple of growers like @Bill284 have used their EZ-8 light. MedicGrow's website says the light is good for a 3x3 in veg and 4x4 in flower so it should work.

I think the Mars-Hydro 4800 is good for a 4x4 in veg and 5x5 in flower. Honestly, I think most of the light sponsors sell quality lights. The ones I suggested belong to people's whose journals I follow.
Welcome DrGreen, 2 x 4 is half the size you want for 4. @Mars Hydro has some sweet prices for good lights! Sponsors. Nice to see you!
I agree haha I had 3 in a 2x4 and one of them didn’t amount to much of anything. I ended up throwing a whole plant away. Mind you I’m new and didn’t have a scrog net.. my tent is 71 inch and if you look at my northern lights auto they went through the roof. I don’t know how but the why is I didn’t train them. I’m happy to take a seat and share some knowledge and soak some up as well.
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