Hello, im a new cannabis grower, i have read and read, Yellow leaves wilting at tips


New Member
I started my plants, I overwatered because of heat, checking the soil was barely moist 3 inches down, I thought it was time to water, nope. I read and some suggestions were to let the soil completely dry out, no water for 7 days, it worked great, I took care of the fungus knat infestation I created by overwatering, the plants gave been growing great, everyday new growth. Yesterday was day 8 and it was time to water, so I did, now today my biggest plant, the leaves are looking like heat stress, wilting and turning yellow or light brown on the tips, my plants are 22 inches from the light, I have a fan going pointing at the wall, all 3 plants are moving from the breeze created, but not alot. How dumb am I and can someone please help me understand what's wrong, is it just my extremely high Temps, growroom constant at 99 or 100 degrees with lights on, but even before, I never seen them wilt like this, , sorry if I'm in the wrong place,, just needing some help and insights.thanks very much!!!! (I put a 1-2 inch layer of sand on top to help me get rid of the fungus knats.....









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