Hello - I need help


New Member
I have a problem with my cannabis plant the bottom tips of the leave are starting to get yellow and i don't know if this is supposed to happen or is it some kind of a problem
and it's my first time trying to grow cannabis i can use some tips if you guys can tell me
well the other leaves are looking good
Here is up to date phote some other people said that it's just a nute burn i stopped the nutrients and the yellowing stop spreading
Gday buddy i hope they are composted bark fines as if they are not they will draw nitrogen out of soil.Plus a little fan or breeze will strengthen her stem nicely .Good luck champ your going great :thumb:
Thanks for the info heres here new look i think she is doing good there is another plant next to here i don't know what sex is it yet but i think it's all doing good. i think the cup is a little bit too small for it and im going to transplant it soon
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