Hello from MO


New Member
High! We are a married couple in Missouri. We ran across this site while doing a search for 420. Love it! Looking forward to talking with people who love smoking weed as much as we do! :biggrin:

Mr. : first smoked at 18, in college. It was about 1989, in the dorm room. Roommate shared a J with me. He was the one that gave me the stuffed Spuds McKenzie (which is now hanging in a noose from the dresser mirror). I really enjoyed it... just grooving on some tunes and shooting the sht 🪨

Mrs. : First smoked at around 15-16. It was with a cousin of mine, and we were "camping out" in a tent in my backyard. We smoked a J, but I didn't really get anything out of it. The next time was a few months after that, when I moved to a much smaller town... smoked another J, but still nothing. It was about the 3rd time I smoked, then WOW... it was great, everything was so fcking hilarious! Loved it ever since :bong:

Favorite smoking method: little black baby buddha bong

Favorite movie: Dazed & Confused

Hobbies: smoking, trivial pursuit, smoking, reading, smoking, watching movies, sex and smoking :smokin3:
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