Hello from disabled/terminal Medical Cannabis Patient & Activist


420 Member
Hi, my name is Justin, aka JustinOHooligan or Justin108. I've been a medical cannabis patient since 2009 or so, when I quit drinking alcohol due to my terminal/incurable cirrhosis/liver disease. It caused a number of "complications" like edema of my legs, where fluid collects, swelling my lower legs like Popeye's forearms and beyond. Despite much discussion on the net, this is EXTREMELY painful and often leads to more open ulcers appearing, Having a terminal (incurable) disease along with depression and schizophrenia is by no means an ideal situation, but when combined with immobility, it often results in feelings of hopelessness and abandonment. Cannabis not only provides mood enhancement/depression-relief, but also physical relief via anti-inflammation to analgesia, as well as utilizing it's anti-biotic/anti-microbial effects as efficently as possible. This sort of whole-body treatment is attempted by primarily using a dry-herb vaporizer for 80% of my medication needs. Precise temperature control allows me to vape through a spectrum of temps from 210°F through 315 to 389° in attempt to get the most out of my medicine. I also like to contribute to the "entourage effect" as often as possible by adding sublingually adminstered Broad Spectrum CBD oil or if I'm lucky, some FECO/FSO/RSO. That said, about once a week I find myself reaching for and preparing my favorite glass waterpipe despite believing that combustion wastes/destroys cannabis' healing properties as well as other beneficial characteristics/attributesl Sometimes you just gotta let the flame kiss the chalice for old time's sake.

My preferred glass instruments are my cherished pieces by Mobius Glassworks of SLO, CA along with accessories like a Stone Glass Works x Luke Wilson/Leisure ash catcher, Healthstone Glass collabs with Beetleguess and Stoke, an activated carbon/charcoal filter and a few other items. I'm NOT a collector, I simply have been lucky enough to acquire and love some killer pieces of Californian-blown scientific glass.

Outside of the tools necessary to medicate, I've also committed a fair amount of time, energy, and my heart to medical cannabis activism. Providing court support, corresponding with POWs, protesting raids of homes, collectives and farms, along with constantly raising public and professional awareness of the reality and possibilities of legal, high quality cannabis medicine. I was/am a member and/or a supporter of The Human Solution International, San Diego Americans for Safe Access and the interNational Cannabis Patients Wall.

Me and Killah Priest at Potluck Expo 2015 final.jpg
Hi, my name is Justin, aka JustinOHooligan or Justin108. I've been a medical cannabis patient since 2009 or so, when I quit drinking alcohol due to my terminal/incurable cirrhosis/liver disease. It caused a number of "complications" like edema of my legs, where fluid collects, swelling my lower legs like Popeye's forearms and beyond. Despite much discussion on the net, this is EXTREMELY painful and often leads to more open ulcers appearing, Having a terminal (incurable) disease along with depression and schizophrenia is by no means an ideal situation, but when combined with immobility, it often results in feelings of hopelessness and abandonment. Cannabis not only provides mood enhancement/depression-relief, but also physical relief via anti-inflammation to analgesia, as well as utilizing it's anti-biotic/anti-microbial effects as efficently as possible. This sort of whole-body treatment is attempted by primarily using a dry-herb vaporizer for 80% of my medication needs. Precise temperature control allows me to vape through a spectrum of temps from 210°F through 315 to 389° in attempt to get the most out of my medicine. I also like to contribute to the "entourage effect" as often as possible by adding sublingually adminstered Broad Spectrum CBD oil or if I'm lucky, some FECO/FSO/RSO. That said, about once a week I find myself reaching for and preparing my favorite glass waterpipe despite believing that combustion wastes/destroys cannabis' healing properties as well as other beneficial characteristics/attributesl Sometimes you just gotta let the flame kiss the chalice for old time's sake.

My preferred glass instruments are my cherished pieces by Mobius Glassworks of SLO, CA along with accessories like a Stone Glass Works x Luke Wilson/Leisure ash catcher, Healthstone Glass collabs with Beetleguess and Stoke, an activated carbon/charcoal filter and a few other items. I'm NOT a collector, I simply have been lucky enough to acquire and love some killer pieces of Californian-blown scientific glass.

Outside of the tools necessary to medicate, I've also committed a fair amount of time, energy, and my heart to medical cannabis activism. Providing court support, corresponding with POWs, protesting raids of homes, collectives and farms, along with constantly raising public and professional awareness of the reality and possibilities of legal, high quality cannabis medicine. I was/am a member and/or a supporter of The Human Solution International, San Diego Americans for Safe Access and the interNational Cannabis Patients Wall.

Me and Killah Priest at Potluck Expo 2015 final.jpg
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family. CL🍀 :welcome: :party::thumb::420::Namaste:
Justin , just wanted to say I kind of know what you’re going through. I too suffer from adema in my legs from a combination of years of driving a truck and cirrhosis from bad blood in the 90s from which I got hep C without my knowledge. Thankfully through modern medicine I’m cured of it but not without the damage to my liver. CL🍀
@JustinOHooligan, welcome to the club and thanks for the outstanding work you are doing for our cause.
Take care my friend.
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