Hello from Chatham


New Member
Michael in Chatham.
I don't smoke, but I want anyone who does want to to have the freedom to do so. I am seriously looking into medical marijuana. I have been clean and sober for 22 years. I don't know how this will affect me if I do decide to use it for medicine. I have some medical issues that I know MJ can help with. I have been reading up on Rick Simpson and his cancer cures. I do know that if I do choose to use it, it will be ingested most of the time in food. If I am using it I may smoke some at the 420 rallies. I have a lot of questions I want answered before I make a choice. In any event, I am a card carrying member of both the prov. and fed. Green Party and I agree with legalization. Stop this foolish war that can never be won. Free the hemp , free the canabis. If canabis is legal then there would be no reason for any red tape around growing hemp for industrial purposes. I talk about that in my blog at myhemp.blogspot.com .

Harper wants to make anyone who plants a single plant and gets caught, do a manditory 6 months in jail. Since studies point out that that would cost the tax payer about $40,000.00 per person to jail them, I would say that is the worst possible use of our tax money. Free the money and people and the plant and we would have the best economy on the planet in one season.
Welcome to 420 magazine Michael.
I am seriously looking into medical marijuana. I have been clean and sober for 22 years. I don't know how this will affect me if I do decide to use it for medicine. I have some medical issues that I know MJ can help with.
Being clean & sober 22 years is an accomplishment in itself. Having a support group to help along the way is surrounding yourself with sucessful people. With your medical issues, is there a Dr's recommendation for cannabis as an alternative medicine?
Based upon his answer this may help you in making your decision, as well as discussing this with your peer group and or sponsor as well.
There is some great medical cannabis information here in our site, using the search will help greatly.
Thanks for the welcome. As free as Canada is right now, I feel now is the time where I can choose to use this wonder herb for medicine and it would not affect my social standing too much. Harper should be history soon and when he is, we have a good chance to free the herb forever. If we did that , we would have people from all over the world wanting to move here. We would also have the best economy in the world.
I am assuming you went to my website mikesworms.com. If you have not, it shows a cheap & easy way of building a wormbin. My way may not be the best; I have seen better designs, but it sure is cheap as long as plastic bins remain cheap. The ones I started with a few years ago have broken down in the sun. I now have an old freezer full of them. The compost turns out to be the best for plants. My Herb garden and my sunflowers do well in it. The best part is this is recycling at it's best and it is organic and I do not need to use ANY petrochemicals on my plants. Any questions?
Thanks mcbuds. This is a very friendly place. Being a member of the Green party is difficult in our CON oriented political environment. I still can't believe Stephen Harper would try and put through manditory 6 months sentences for planting one plant. We are living in strange times. We have much larger fish to fry and he wants to pull this crap. Sorry for ranting.
High from northern California, and welcome to the 420 community! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Peace and happiness:rollit:
High Happy Kitty!
The people in this community are so backward that when Ontario past a law that allowed females to bare their breasts because it was a human rights issue, many around here wanted it overturned and wanted to force men to wear shirts at all times so no one's rights would be violated. That is the local community I am trying to live in. Imagine what it is like to be a Green Party member in a Conservative riding. This website and many like it shows me there are a lot more people like me, thinking the way I do and it is just a local thought pattern that is not open to my ideas. Have Fun!:grinjoint:
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