Hello from central Texas


New Member
I'm new to this forum, I'm frustrated that at 50+ years old I can't buy weed. I moved to Texas last year and I'm amazed at how up-tight my neighbors are about weed. When I lived in AZ everyone smoked. Well, enough about that.
-I'm an artist, husband, father and grandfather.
-I've been getting more active with state issues to legalize weed but it looks like an up hill battle in Texas.
-I believe everyone should have the right to grow an smoke.
-Can't grow here because my neighbors are like cops.
-Weed makes me happy and more creative.
Let's work together to make it legal.
Greetings, brother. I'm a 44 year old transplanted Texan living in Cali. I feel your pain - this is why I won't return to live. They're misguided and, being the Bible Belt I'm presuming they're religious. Tell them to open their Bible to page 1 and point out that God created this plant and gave it to us to use. You can also point them to Exodus 30 and tell them God commanded that cannabis be placed in His holy anointing oil, then ask them conspiratorially, "Who's really behind it's prohibition?" ;)
Yea, They are religious. My introduction to the neighborhood was by a self apointed neigborhood security guard in a golf cart. He was proud to tell how he got a couple of teens busted for growing in the woods near there house. I am only here because my wife's job brought me here. Thanks for the reply.
Welcome to 420 mate! Good to have another warrior fighting the good fight.. sucks u have to fight it in Texas lol
Welcome to 420! I feel your pain. I left Cali just before it became legal and can sadly say the state I am in is not the most kind to the kind buds. I wish you luck on the endeavor. Education is key and it looks like several other states are moving forward so eventually Texas will have too. I also believe there is an amendment in the Constitution that states when 26 (the majority) of states go legal the federal government has to act on removing the illegality as well. :)
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