Hello friends, I have a question


Well-Known Member
I use a stainless steel mesh filter in the mainline of my top feed hydroponic system, and I enjoy using it actually, I am wondering if anyone else might be doing the same thing, or if you think that it is a good idea? it does collect a little stuff over the days between making a new batch, usually only three or four days, I have noticed the water does not have the viscosity after a couple days using like it did before I added it.
here's a photo of what I am using, I got this at my local marine supply.

Just curious what you all think, thank you and I hope that you all have an awesome day.
That’s a smart move using a stainless steel mesh filter! It’s great for keeping debris out. Just keep an eye on it and clean it regularly to maintain flow and nutrient efficiency. Thanks for sharing the photo and your experience! It’s always helpful to hear how different techniques work for others.
thank you so much for the kind word, I am happy to hear that you like this, I really felt clever when I bought this thing, and you are absolutely right about the mesh, it catches everything and it is so easy to clean. I just shake it, unscrew, give it a lil wipey wipe and she's good as new.
I hope that you have an awesome day friend, thanks again for saying hello
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