Hello Everyone I want to show my first grow!


420 Member
Hey guys my name is Bo and i live in Maryland. This is my first time i got through the seedling stage. I'm growing gushers and cream photo period and it seems to be going well. I'm in my third week of flowering using 120 watts led i have two foldable led lights and a hand built round light consisting of for full spectrum grow bulbs and a large flood light style blurple in the center. Using jacks fertilizer bloom buster in this stage in soil using a five gallon fabric pot. I topped it twice so it would not get too tall in my closet and use two small fans for circulation and a few motorhome widnshield covers and a mylar blanket. Here are some pics in various phases of growth.Please give me your feedback be it good or bad would be much appreciated thanks everyone!









Hey guys my name is Bo and i live in Maryland. This is my first time i got through the seedling stage. I'm growing gushers and cream photo period and it seems to be going well. I'm in my third week of flowering using 120 watts led i have two foldable led lights and a hand built round light consisting of for full spectrum grow bulbs and a large flood light style blurple in the center. Using jacks fertilizer bloom buster in this stage in soil using a five gallon fabric pot. I topped it twice so it would not get too tall in my closet and use two small fans for circulation and a few motorhome widnshield covers and a mylar blanket. Here are some pics in various phases of growth.Please give me your feedback be it good or bad would be much appreciated thanks everyone!









Beautiful garden my friend :thumb:
Welcome to 420magazine :welcome:
The only thing I might suggest is a stronger light.
They won’t be as stretchy and buds will be better.
But your doing great.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Bmorebo

Nice looking garden to have there.
As Bill mentioned you could use a stronger light to improve your yield.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Hey Bo! Welcome to 420.

I love a diy grow so I'm in.

You mentioned topping twice to keep it under control. I'm partial to training with quadlining (link in my sig) . Makes for a very manageable, but productive plant.

Congrats on getting out of the seedling stage. Looks like you're off to a good start.
Hey Bo! Welcome to 420.

I love a diy grow so I'm in.

You mentioned topping twice to keep it under control. I'm partial to training with quadlining (link in my sig) . Makes for a very manageable, but productive plant.

Congrats on getting out of the seedling stage. Looks like you're off to a good start.
Hopefully one day you can show me how to utilize that method.I got the 200 watt vispar aerolight yesterday taking everyones advice here are pics taken today before the light was put in. This is day 22 of flowering. Keep you posted and stay frosty Azimuth😉
Hopefully one day you can show me how to utilize that method.I got the 200 watt vispar aerolight yesterday taking everyones advice here are pics taken today before the light was put in. This is day 22 of flowering. Keep you posted and stay frosty Azimuth😉
Next grow from seed or clone just tag me and I'll walk you through it. Easier from seed but I do almost all clones so either way will work. :thumb:
Welcome to 420 magazine Bo!
Enjoyable pictures to look at of fine looking plants and attractive flowers.

These are some of my outdoor photos, the plant in the middle is about 13 ft and the rest of them are averaging 12 or so. They are just starting to flower and hopefully are done by October 7th to the 15th.

Hard to spot em, they look like all the rest of the trees back there
Welcome to 420 magazine Bo!
Enjoyable pictures to look at of fine looking plants and attractive flowers.

These are some of my outdoor photos, the plant in the middle is about 13 ft and the rest of them are averaging 12 or so. They are just starting to flower and hopefully are done by October 7th to the 15th.

👍 wld love to have some weed plants like privacy bushes…but I live in town, I’m not chancing my time n effort wasted by someone steeling it..not to mention the $$ I pay for these Fem seeds!.
I got the Vivisun light we talked about. Unfortunately I got the wrong one for my application. I got the 150 watt with the fan in the middle. I should of read up on it more. I also needed the main hub and wifi stick for every unit. The light scorched my plants leaves badly and permanently blew all my leaves downward and it happened overnight so I was batting 1000 at this piont. I read up on lights and decided to get the SchLux 400 watt model with the timer and temperature sensor that has a max temp that dials it down or shuts it off. I haven't had it for long and the results are alot better. I wish I had the money to get all the vivisun hub stuff and be pretty much automated. Sorry for the long message, here are a few update pictures.





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