Hello All!


New Member
I just decided to sign up and become active on the forum! I have been on various topics here and there through my various google searches. Mostly regarding basic info on the lovely green and drug testing facts.
I am currently residing in So Cal's Valley and newly moved here. I came from Portland, OR and really miss the stuff up there.
When I can afford it, I call myself a regular user for sure. But like right now, being broke and jobless, I am not taking part. So far in my job searches, I have found various places are sticklers about drug testing and not as pro-MJ as I thought it would be.

For a bit about me, I am a 21 year old male, though I feel a lot older than my age. I play the piano up to 4 hours everyday, paint, draw, video games here and there, have deep thoughts and learning to be positive. I am set to go to college for psychology and journalism. I am currently seeking an internship, but shit's tough out there. Hope all you out there are doing well in the search for cash! I am definitely down-to-earth and wish for the simple life in a cabin somewhere with a copious amount of green around.

Overall, I am down to meet people in the community who are like minded, into deep talks and positive discussions. I would also really like some advice on CA's MJ laws, getting a green card, or how to become a grower or caregiver. I also would like to be more active in the community, but am not sure how.

Thank you in advance for any welcome's and advice.


Welcome to the 420 Mag family... it's great to have you w/us. :welcome:
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Our mission statement: Mission Statement
Questions: Frequently Asked Questions - 420 Magazine
Uploading photos: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Grow support: How to Ask for Grow Support
How to grow: How to Grow Marijuana - 420 Magazine
MMJ lounge: Medical Marijuana Lounge - 420 Magazine
News: International Cannabis News - 420 Magazine
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Medical Marijuana Scientific Data - 420 Magazine
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