Hello All


New Member
Been a reader for years, just now deciding to jump on and offer my 2 cents around the forums...As im currently wrapping up my last 9 months of college, I be back to growing my own meds. For now, i'll put in on what I've learned over the last 10 years. From soil, to hydro, supercrop to LST, i've had a chance to grow hundreds of strains, and met multiple fellow warriors that spend their days on the frontline of the War on Drugs...:roorrip:
HighDroPonixx :welcome: Love to see you start a grow journal when ready Buddy. Glad to hear 420 helped you gain some knowledge, Now past it on Brother. Love to hear and see more from you in the forums...ok? :roorrip: :peace:
Welcome HighDro. Most of us love hearing the 2 cents from outside sources. Feel free to drop by my grow and comment and I will do the same for you. :welcome::peace:
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