I am a fellow human hailing from Washington state! I'm very excited to absorb all the beautiful knowledge I can tell this website has to offer me and hopefully drop a little understanding on the kiddies myself.
Not sure what's relevant around here so I'll stick to the basic criteria I don't grow, but I'd be interested to. I don't have a medical card. I've made no grand gestures in favor of the legalize marijuana movement, but I certainly support it, believe it and preach it in my regular life!
Now I get to start browsing what the rest of you have to say! See ya around, you lovely little peeps!
Not sure what's relevant around here so I'll stick to the basic criteria I don't grow, but I'd be interested to. I don't have a medical card. I've made no grand gestures in favor of the legalize marijuana movement, but I certainly support it, believe it and preach it in my regular life!
Now I get to start browsing what the rest of you have to say! See ya around, you lovely little peeps!