Heart Problems and cannabis users

OG Sinse

Well-Known Member
So, I've been smoking for around 6 years now after a 25 year break. (yes I'm old). I'm in relatively good health, not over weight, for my age I'm doing pretty good. (58 years old)

I've been having some weird heart "surges" like I'm out of breath for a minute. Not good ! So I did some reading and according to doctors, usage of cannabis greatly increases your chances of having heart failure. DAMMIT ! I also noticed that when I over do it, my heart races and I get chest pain.. Not a pleasant high at all when your worrying about a heart attack..I have an appointment with my doctor to get checked out, but for now I'm taking it very easy with the herbs.

Not to be a bummer, but I wonder if this is something that us older smokers should think about if we want to carry on. I love weed, but I love being alive more.

" The results of the first study, which looked at people with a median age of 54, found a 34% increase in the risk of heart failure in people who used marijuana daily compared with those who had never used it."

Full article here. There are many others as well saying the same thing.

Marijuana may be linked to heart problems — is it the smoke or THC that's harmful?
Though this is true for most, and im no doctor, but from what Ive read, it all depends on the genetics of the person and life style. Cannabis may not be the main cause of heart issues, but It can be a catalyst if we are not aware of what we are putting our bodies through.

Dosage is everything and finding the right cultivars is also something to consider. I would stay away from what we refer to as sativas and look for CBD dominant “indica” cultivars. These tend to be more calming and perfect for pain.

I would keep the dose low but more importantly inquire with a professional in person in order to get a personalized regimen going.

Best of luck!

P.S more studies are needed on the subject but I recommend talking to a pulmonologist.
Though this is true for most, and im no doctor, but from what Ive read, it all depends on the genetics of the person and life style. Cannabis may not be the main cause of heart issues, but It can be a catalyst if we are not aware of what we are putting our bodies through.

Dosage is everything and finding the right cultivars is also something to consider. I would stay away from what we refer to as sativas and look for CBD dominant “indica” cultivars. These tend to be more calming and perfect for pain.

I would keep the dose low but more importantly inquire with a professional in person in order to get a personalized regimen going.

Best of luck!

P.S more studies are needed on the subject but I recommend talking to a pulmonologist.

Well said, I couldn't agree more. I'm off to see a doctor as you mention, a no brainer. I am also keeping my doses low with Indica type strains. The high energy sativas might not be the best for an old timer like me..

You also have to factor in the fact that a lot of users wind up locked on the couch after using, this isn't good for the heart. I try to stay away from daytime usage as it take the wind out my sails...but that's just me.
I think that as individuals we are all different and going to experience other types of side effects from drugs and how we use them. To protect my lungs and wind prefer to eat decarbed weed on a peanut butter cracker. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps this is rougher on the liver or kidneys but it certainly protects my lungs and wind power.
I think that as individuals we are all different and going to experience other types of side effects from drugs and how we use them. To protect my lungs and wind prefer to eat decarbed weed on a peanut butter cracker. Sometimes I wonder if perhaps this is rougher on the liver or kidneys but it certainly protects my lungs and wind power.

Decarbed weed with peanut butter on a cracker, been there done that ! I think they call that recipe a firecracker?

My only problem with eating is getting the doseage right, its either too much or too little. I may need to go back to this though, I do like eating a cookie and just waiting for the effects.

I also vape, but it takes 30 hits vs 1 hit on a bong. So as much as I hate to smoke, its really hard to beat.
My age range so I'm with you
Doc's advice was eat it, don't smoke it

Ok, maybe its time to try eating again. Maybe I'll invest in one of those butter makers.

Such a shame to grow such beautiful buds and eat them though.. I guess it has its advantages though, I wont have to work so hard curing to perfection.
I decarb ground weed in a baby food jar in the oven for an hour and fifteen minutes at 240. This is easy and saves me from buying a infuser. and best of all doesn't smell up the house. There is nothing to buy and is a fool proof process. The taste isn't that bad when masked with a little bit of peanut butter, sort of an oregano taste.
I decarb ground weed in a baby food jar in the oven for an hour and fifteen minutes at 240. This is easy and saves me from buying a infuser. and best of all doesn't smell up the house. There is nothing to buy and is a fool proof process. The taste isn't that bad when masked with a little bit of peanut butter, sort of an oregano taste.

Thanks, I'll give this a try. That seems like a lot longer time than what I've been following from recipes. Most say to go around 240 for 30 mins. I just cook 10 cloves of garlic on the stove top while decarbing in the oven.--This covers any odor easily.
I think that if you put the weed on a cookie sheet then would go for a much shorter 30 to 40 minute period but being in a sealed jar takes quite a bit longer in my experience. I also have a temperature sensor to monitor the jars temperature which was like $15 at Wally World
I think that if you put the weed on a cookie sheet then would go for a much shorter 30 to 40 minute period but being in a sealed jar takes quite a bit longer in my experience. I also have a temperature sensor to monitor the jars temperature which was like $15 at Wally World

I'm still experimenting a bit with the edibles. I did attempt a dutch oven (covered) to reduce odor, but I left it in the oven until it was around 240-250 before adding herbs. In a cold jar I can see it taking some extra time to get heated up.

5 cloves of garlic fried on the stove top is my trick, it covers all odor.
So, I've been smoking for around 6 years now after a 25 year break. (yes I'm old). I'm in relatively good health, not over weight, for my age I'm doing pretty good. (58 years old)

I've been having some weird heart "surges" like I'm out of breath for a minute. Not good ! So I did some reading and according to doctors, usage of cannabis greatly increases your chances of having heart failure. DAMMIT ! I also noticed that when I over do it, my heart races and I get chest pain.. Not a pleasant high at all when your worrying about a heart attack..I have an appointment with my doctor to get checked out, but for now I'm taking it very easy with the herbs.

Not to be a bummer, but I wonder if this is something that us older smokers should think about if we want to carry on. I love weed, but I love being alive more.

" The results of the first study, which looked at people with a median age of 54, found a 34% increase in the risk of heart failure in people who used marijuana daily compared with those who had never used it."

Full article here. There are many others as well saying the same thing.

Marijuana may be linked to heart problems — is it the smoke or THC that's harmful?
Sounds like AFIB

Yep, I have it. Many years ago my heart was acting up and I went to the ER. They hooked me up to some devices and told me " yep we see it"..

I visited my doctor and apparently its an irregular heart beat. My doctor advised me that it was not something to worry about. He mentioned medications, but he said my health was good and the medicine can do more harm than good. It wasn't until years later that I started smoking, and I've noticed that weed makes the condition worse.

Apparently, weed is not good for older people with heart conditions. This sucks ! We'll see how all the new studies turn out., I've been seeing more and more medical articles mentioning that weed can cause heart failure.

I'm 57 years old, 6 foot 1 and weigh 165 pounds. I bicycle miles (centuries from time to time) so, am in pretty good shape. I also eat clean. I'm still using caution, and am taking it very easy, I or 2 small hits late at night, Indica only.

Previous research has already found a link between heart disease and marijuana use. A February 2023 study found that using marijuana every day can raise a person's risk of coronary artery disease by one-third compared with those who never partake.
From what I’ve read and experienced, it's true that cannabis can have different effects on heart rate and blood pressure, particularly for those with pre-existing conditions or sensitivities. It might be worth exploring strains with lower THC levels or higher CBD content, as CBD can sometimes help mitigate some of the anxiety or racing heart feelings associated with THC.

Also, it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated and avoid mixing cannabis with other substances that could strain your heart. Monitoring your usage and keeping track of how you feel can help in finding a balance that works for you.

Thanks, I do have a tendency to go dehydrated often which isn't helping. Good tip on the low THC strains, although you can always smoke higher THC strains in smaller doses. I'll have to try a strain high in CBD, as you mention.

For now, I'm taking it very lightly, many would consider it micro-dosing THC. I'm a lightweight anyway and do not like over doing it. (not pleasant at all). The current strains I'm smoking hover around 18% THC (Northern Lights, Master Kush) both of these strains are on the "relaxed, couch locked side of the charts"

I cant help but wonder if the heart problems related to cannabis use may be caused due to time on the couch without being active. Maybe smoking Indica, laying around and munching a bag of potato chips has something to do with heart problems too ! Makes sense to me..
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