Aloha Big Island ASA members...
HB 2600 has been scheduled for its next hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee. We will need testimony by Monday at 2:05pm (the hearing is Tuesday February 14th at 2:05pm).
This is another attempt by law enforcement to shut down the medical cannabis program in Hawai'i by fundamentally changing registration requirements for physicians who recommend medical cannabis, but not other controlled substances. It therefore targets medical cannabis for harsher penalties than other controlled substances. It would also effectively ban house calls, and a physician's right to speak freely with patients.
We need patients to submit testimony in strong OPPOSTION to HB2600 Relating to Controlled Substances and specifically that Section 4 be removed.
You can read the bill here: Measure Status
To submit testimony:
Please go to Submit Online Testimony
Enter HB2600 (no spaces) and fill in the fields.
Make sure to click "opposed" at the "testifier position" and either up load your testimony, or type it in the "additional comments" field.
Other comments:
Trying to limit the free speech of a physician by requiring every location where they discuss medical cannabis may be unconstitutional.
Law enforcement should not be directing how doctors practice medicine by severely restricting where they can see patients. Eliminating the ability of a doctor to make a house call to a seriously ill patient by requiring additional registration is contrary to the goal of the medical cannabis program, which is compassion.
Updating the Hawai'i Uniform Controlled Substance Act (chapter 329) to be consistent with the Federal Controlled Substance Act might eliminate medical cannabis, which is not recognized by the Federal government.
The Hawai'i Medical Association recommends cannabis lowered to a schedule III drug, because of the safe nature of cannabis. The Federal government is not scheduling cannabis appropriately. 16 states recognize cannabis as medicine, and the Federal government should not interfere with states' rights.
Please remove Section 4 from this bill.
Thank you.
HB 2600 has been scheduled for its next hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee. We will need testimony by Monday at 2:05pm (the hearing is Tuesday February 14th at 2:05pm).
This is another attempt by law enforcement to shut down the medical cannabis program in Hawai'i by fundamentally changing registration requirements for physicians who recommend medical cannabis, but not other controlled substances. It therefore targets medical cannabis for harsher penalties than other controlled substances. It would also effectively ban house calls, and a physician's right to speak freely with patients.
We need patients to submit testimony in strong OPPOSTION to HB2600 Relating to Controlled Substances and specifically that Section 4 be removed.
You can read the bill here: Measure Status
To submit testimony:
Please go to Submit Online Testimony
Enter HB2600 (no spaces) and fill in the fields.
Make sure to click "opposed" at the "testifier position" and either up load your testimony, or type it in the "additional comments" field.
Other comments:
Trying to limit the free speech of a physician by requiring every location where they discuss medical cannabis may be unconstitutional.
Law enforcement should not be directing how doctors practice medicine by severely restricting where they can see patients. Eliminating the ability of a doctor to make a house call to a seriously ill patient by requiring additional registration is contrary to the goal of the medical cannabis program, which is compassion.
Updating the Hawai'i Uniform Controlled Substance Act (chapter 329) to be consistent with the Federal Controlled Substance Act might eliminate medical cannabis, which is not recognized by the Federal government.
The Hawai'i Medical Association recommends cannabis lowered to a schedule III drug, because of the safe nature of cannabis. The Federal government is not scheduling cannabis appropriately. 16 states recognize cannabis as medicine, and the Federal government should not interfere with states' rights.
Please remove Section 4 from this bill.
Thank you.