Has my auto hemied up on me :(


New Member
Im so sad I think my first ever plant is a hemie im not sure though .. buds are verry small on the plant im gonna take it down in like 21 days thats my curent plan but dont want to fuck up any of my new plants put in so if its a hermafrodit ill have to get rid off it :(
I havent put alot of time in to this one and i might off fuckd it up cuz its small and thin and buds are verry small.

Strain - Il diablo Auto
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - bloom
Bucket Size - 12L
Lights - (2) 200w low energy
Nutrients - CANA and some other off brand crap
Medium - soil mixed with perlite and vermaculite
What do you guys think? :thanks:

Looks like a swollen calyx :thumb:

Also known as false seed pods & i'm pretty sure all female MJ plants get them...

Crack one open to see whats in it & that will soon tell ya if they is seed in em.

First sign of hermie traits would be the white pistils in the bud thickening up, you will get the odd few which look like mini banana's that being a sign of a hermie !
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