

Well-Known Member
Is there anyway to tell when my plants are ready for the big chop without looking at the trics through a scope, I know some will also say to just wait the 8-10 weeks of flowering but when do you actually count the start of flower cause all that's vague to me is it when the original flip of 12/12 or when first sign of sex cause that's true maturity? All kinda confusing to me Haha every other forum says different :peace:
Every strain is different, so I think that a specific time is not to accurate, jewelers loops are cheap to check the trics.
One of my friends uses pistil colors, a general rule of thumb is to harvest when 50-75% of the hairs(pistils) have changed color from white to brown.
Wait a week or 2 longer than you think
Where could one get a jewlers loupe just around town cause I'm not able to order online at the moment no card lmao an also as it sits if I do the wait two more weeks then I think then I'll probably be waiting forever Haha at least it feels like it

Any hobby shops around (or fabric or crafting stores)? Some dept stores will have them too. If you have a halfway decent camera and a computer you can take pics of the flowers and then blow them up (zoom in) on computer and sometimes see them ok (varies on the camera probably somewhat).
You don't count from the day you flip, at least I wouldn't as it takes about 5-10 days for the plant to switch into flower stage. Depending on strain. I flipped my White Widow 27 days? ago but it don't look 4 weeks it looks more like it's in the early 3 week look. So i'm counting from the 16th of Sept instead of the 6th
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