Harvest question: help me with timeframe please


New Member
Ok, so I have some plants that are starting to come into the home stretch. This being my first grow, I'm a bit unsure of when I will be taking the plants down.

This is bagseed grown under mostly LED(lighting changed a few times during grow).
One strain is very sativa looking #G6
2nd strain is a mix of sativa/indica look #G3
3rd strain is very indica looking #G7

G3 is having about 1/3 of the pistils are brown/amber. Using 40x loupe I see a very rare amber trich. Others are mostly clear as far as I can tell.

I just fed them 2 days ago and I'm not sure if they are 1-2 or even 3 weeks out from now. If they will be 2+ weeks I'll probably feed again before flusing in the final week.

Re: Harvest question: help me with timeframe plz

If you are not sure of the strains your cultivating then let the plants tell you themselves. When most of the trichomes are standing tall with a nice swollen gland head on top and appear milky to light amber in color, than I would say they are ready to harvest. Hope this helps...
Re: Harvest question: help me with timeframe plz

are all the pistils going to be brown or will some still be white?

I am not sure about that, wondering that it may be different depending on strain? I know with my last grow that the majority of the pistils turned brown or orangish with a few still white. Someone told me a good sign is when the pistil start turning inwards back towards the buds.
pistils are a good way of gauging it, if you have no access to looking at the trichs.

typically, when ready to harvest, your pistils will mostly be brown, and curling down.

That being said, not all strains are the same, and many may have lots of white pistils, or all brown when ready, the only true way to tell, is your trichs.

the more amber trichs you have, the more of a "couch lock" stone you will get, while if most are cloudy, you will have more of a "uplifting" stone.

the fact you say you see some ambers (your checking it, after you pull a leaf from the plant right? not while its on the plant? the yellow lighting used in flower, often make some seem amber when they are not) means you probably should be looking at flushing soon, if not already. Depending on what kind of "high" you want.

cheers :)
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